Psychosis of Americanism

Is this glamours?

Bro, if you make over 200K you can have her. Are you even game?

as there a time on earth before gravity was invented?

This must be her husband…


The Woke presents:
“Telepathic lovemaking.”

Speaking of psychosis —

Go woke and you go broke.

The American model that wanted to go global…the best model in the world. All must adopt it…to be saved.

I agree with most of what you post concerning this issue. It is your hypnotized fixation on it being “American” that is absurd.

America and its Constitution are the prime target of the global plutocratic movement preceding the global socialist/plutocratic movement preceding the global imperial communist final goal.

George Soros, Xi Jinping, Putin, Kim Un, King Charles, Klaus Swab, Macron, and 20 others are NOT American and are actively engaged in the effort to destroy America by getting people like yourself to think their insidious actions are due to “Americanism”.

A woken brain is a broken brain, mate.

i only provide evidence, dipshit.
Americanism is Globalism…only a naive homo americanus can’t see it.

America is not a benevolent force in the world.
Never was.
The US is controlled by the Jews…whether you see it or not.
The US is destroying the European race…
Wherever it dominates it imposes its model - open borders, no biological identifiers, no culture,…all reduced to a product.

These internationalists are based in the US…and across its dominion.
They aren’t some mysterioso evil entities…out there in the ether…
They have names…suggesting a pattern…

No good/evil, dipshit…how old are you?

Every empire in history, dipshit, had its ideal citizen, born out of its values and core beliefs…so does Americanism.
Americanism describes this American Empire and is ideal citizen…Homo Americanus
Everywhere it dominates it wants to impose its model upon the local popualtinos…EVERYWHERE.
It will not let anyone live according to different socioeconomic rules, different values…
It calls it FREEDOM, dipshit.

The constitution, the dipshit says…HA!!

America is controlled by the CHINESE and the Jewish left – using the exact same subtle influence - hypnosis - tactic. Neither are “American”.

You are merely one of their victims - a useful “dipshit”.



The Chinese…HA!!!

The examples of Americanism’s psychosis is based on this:

These basic American tenets are what cause the psychosis I present in fact, not in theory.
Minds stripped of their sense of self, with no traditions, no culture, no collective identity to draw strength and inspiration from; mind raised on lies, taught not to trust their own senses, not to identify with their physical body, eventually disillusioned and sperate they turn to self-destrutive means to become noticed; to stand out from within the uniformity Americanism cultivates, whilst preaching about diversity.

Granted that these are true, there is still the issue of ‘Privilege’ which the Liberal-Leftists believe is their Manifest Destiny “to solve”. Hence they are obsessed with all forms of ‘hatred’ (purposefully misconstrued and twisted as “-Phobias”). All Nazism, Racism, White Supremacy, Sexism, Transgression, Etc. will be hunted down and destroyed, iow: “Anti-Discrimination”. Pay attention any would-be Philosophers, because this means you! Or any ‘Discriminatory’ mind, for that matter. The smarter Liberal-Leftists, IQ110+, quickly adapt to Lying. It’s not that Liberal-Leftists aren’t their own ‘nazi-racists’, but rather, they have Initiative. They hurl the accusation (Projection) first and foremost. They have been trained to do so. This puts Conservative-Rightists on the defensive, forever losing ground in the Western, Postmodern, “Culture War”. But at the base-level, the attack is on the “Discriminatory Mind”, having an IQ110+ that does not cohere or obey “social rules” of Lying & Deception. You are supposed to lie.

Like a posse of white trash operating a rural gas station, each of them, buddies, greasing their hands and raking money from the till. You’re not allowed to work there as a “goody two shoes”. You are expected to steal, Honor among Thieves. This is the essence of the Liberal-Leftist ideology. Partake in the gluttony, rake in the cash, Lie, and you will be accepted. Politically, this means… what is your sell-out price? Welcome to US Congress/Senatorial proceedings. The price goes up, exponentially, based on the Military-Industrial complex being leveraged (and by the Fed).

Truth is exiled. The Conservative-Right cannot compete…until the entire system begins to falter and break down (there are signs of this all around). The costs increase (US domestic and foreign national debt)…until they can never be paid, as they are right now. Only a war can “forgive” such debts…when all debts are called-off. “We don’t plan on paying you back…sorry!

Thus the Liberal-Left are not, in essence, against “Privilege”, but rather a Privilege (in Lies) that must be paid among their own kind and kin. If you can afford the $250,000.00 to $500,000.00 a year New England white suburban neighborhood, sending your children to private schools across the nation and world, then you can be welcomed ‘Into’ the movement…as long as you perfect your Lying (Academia/Indoctrination/Media).

Where Judaism dominates what is heard is more important than what is seen.

Hollywood participated in undermining the visual, cultivating a population that no longer trusts its own visual sense, but is more trusting of its hearing…what it has heard.
Language begins as an oral performance, and then tradition…braying in animals is a rudimentary form of language.
Herd psychology.

Anti-Hellenic in that they selectively adopt and corrupt portions of Hellenic thought to fabricate negating alternatives. The only ‘art’ the Jews created, and became masters of, was the art of the gab; the art of using words/symbols to exploit and manipulate impressionable minds, making them consummate salesmen, politicians, poets, and preachers.

The psychological effects of Americanism: its loss of tradition, identity, hope, Wokism/postmodernism…

Americanism’s decline…and its current degeneration.
Loss of traditional families, sexual degeneration, rise in drug use, prevention of males from becoming invested in society…etc.