“Think all of you that you are infinitely powerful Atman, and see what strength comes out…I am the child of the Infinite, the all powerful Divine Mother. What means disease, or fear, or want to me? Stamp out the negative spirit as if it were a pestilence, and it will conduce to your welfare in every way. No negative, all positive, affirmative. I am, God is, everything is in me. I will manifest health, purity, knowledge, whatever I want… “Thou art Energy, impart energy unto me. Thou art Strength, impart strength unto me. Thou art Spirituality, impart spirituality unto me. Thou art Fortitude, impart fortitude unto me”…“Everything is in me, and I can manifest it at will.” Repeat this an hour or so, on a few successive days, and all disease and trouble will vanish into nought.”