r/K Sexual Selection Theory

And this statement (in both threads ) is where everyone thinks you’re nuts…

Most men don’t even WANT a kid, let alone, by multiple women. …

As I stated before, most children are had by the same mother and father … Your characatures of what can be, have little to do with what is!

When it comes to children, it matters what women want, not what men want.

If a woman wants a child then she can have one easily. Males don’t “choose” to have a child. Men only choose which females to chase around.

If you count rape as what women want…

I’ve been watching your posts …

You are a severe mysoginist who actually argues for women… (a very subversive player) I’m not a mysoginist, but I think all women are assholes…

We make different arguments…

I’m certainly not one if those dipshits who says “I love women” and neither are you, but you cater to the stereotype of what women want to hear and not the facts …

Men are just father sluts and poor evolution, women are monogamy types and higher evolution …

That’s exactly what women want to hear , and it’s bullshit!! You’re a player, not an honest philosopher, and at the end if the day, you’re selling what women want to buy!

It appears that you are no better than me, either. We both told him he’d got it all wrong and, as a consequence, he has designated both of us retards. Presumably, the definition of a retard is anybody who doesn’t agree with him.

Shut the fuck up, retards.

Go join some retard forum. Philosophy requires more intelligence than the two of you combined, retards.

Page 2.

r/K selection theory is applied to species, not to the difference in behaviour of individual members of the species, surely. Isn’t it?

Are individuals not what makes a species?
Is species other than the individuals belonging to its category?

Wizard warned for his earlier comments.

Not all reproduction is sex. That was my point. =>

I was not or not primarily talking about “reproduction and sex” but about “reproduction and selection”, secondarily also about “reproduction and sexual selection”. Sex is not necessary for reproduction. There are many living beings which have no sex and nonetheless offspring. They reproduce themselves without sex, and they are very successful without sex.

The sexless reproduction is much older than the sexual reproduction.

When is sex not reproduction?

Oh damn, the Gustapo is sending me letters this morning telling me I can’t defend myself and my threads against R-----s. So I’ll call them “R’s” and you fine R’s will know what I mean.

Mind your K’s and R’s.

lol no

Very wrong. Lower animals don’t have “sex for pleasure” but strictly procreational. Because it’s a waste of resources to have "R"ecreational sex. Recreational sex, sex for pleasure, only happens in an Abundant environment, with bountiful resources (created by K-type farmers and excess nourishment). Abundant environments are rare in nature, not common. Animals form equilibrium with their habitats.

Humans produce artificial abundance due to technology (better farming techniques, transportation, communication, etc.) thus attracting more R-tards…I mean, R-types to them.

Metaphorically, a K-type mind with a higher quality thread, creating an abundance of wisdom, knowledge, information, intelligence, will also attract the…ahem…R-types to it.

Yes but even asexual reproduction of single-cell organisms demonstrates R/K-type mechanisms. For example, a glob of cells will expand and populate quickly when nutrients are added to a petri dish (R-expression, positive reproductive rate). But the cells will literally consume themselves, cannibalize, eat its own body and own kind, when nutrients are absent (K-expression, negative reproductive rate).

You can apply this analogy directly to human populations. I’ve read, over the years, many claims about “white genocide” and the negative reproductive rate of white people. R/K-selection explains this easily and simply. When a population (“white people”) is very K-selective then it will retain a negative reproductive rate.

Thus, to cause expansion of population, you must have a suitable environment to it. In humanity, and especially with the white race, this implies a lot of civilization, artificial technologies (medicines, cars, entertainment, food abundance, etc). So even “white people”, or any human group, can be explained with R/K-types and selections.

Culture is also another factor that coincides with this theory.

For example, when a state makes it technically ILLEGAL to have sex with these females, but not that females, then this will predict the reactive behaviors of R or K-types.

R-types tend to be “Criminals” of society, breaking the rules, trying to gain access to the females off limits to them (rape, premarital sex, sex with women who cannot “consent”, age limits on sex like 15-18 year old girls, etc).

I was talking about ALL living beings and the fact that the PRIMITIVE living beings NEED NO SEX FOR THEIR REPRODUCTION. Why is that so difficult to understand?

Sex is a relatively new phenomenon of evolution.

I did NOT say that the r-strategy and the k-strategy had nothing to do with asexual reproduction.

I remind you of what I said in my first post of this thread:

So I did NOT say that the r-strategy and the k-strategy had nothing to do with asexual reproduction.

What is species, and what is an individual part of species?
When you guys say “species” what do you mean?
What is this category made up of?

Why ask a general group of people a question then tell them to shut up when they give you an answer?

Specie literally means ‘Spec’, ‘Type’, Category. This is why a female is a different specie than males, because, the female type is an evolved organism that spec-ifically is intended to breed, bear, and birth children. The male spec-ie does not. This is the result of sexual evolution, separation of asexual organisms, into a multiplicity of spec-ies.

Don’t pretend to be stupid, Dan. You know full well that you, and others, are not asking serious questions or being respectful, but are instead trolling and acting like dipshits, inserting childish personal attacks and innuendos (like I’m a “misogynist” even if that were true, has nothing to do with this thread and the OP).

So quit acting like you don’t know, when you do.