RandomQ: Why is prostitution illegal, yet pornography isn't?

what’s the difference between fucking and filming a woman in contract to do so and paying a woman to fuck and/or film to do so?

this isn’t a strictly philosophical question, i just can’t figure out (apart from the inclusion of a contract) what the difference is


my friend replied with the claim that someone is payed only to play a part in a role which includes fucking which is a fair point yet the moral and legal implications here don’t seem justified as i can’t see why a film can legally/morally justify the use of prostitution/explicit penetration in a film.

in a typical sex scene in a “real” film, penetration is never seen (at least in any non-porno films i’ve seen) so i don’t quite accept this justification as the penetration/explicit fucking would only be necessary to show if it was necessary to the plot of the film and apart from porn, i can’t think of any film that does this.

for legal and reasons of equality, prostitution should be made legal as well as controlled in the same way the pornography business is (the issue of health reasons for example). why bother renting a porn video when you can just rent a prostitute?

In Victoria, prostitution is legal. The government decided it was a vast unregulated industry just begging to be taxed, so they legalised it. A new source of revenue. Got to love Australia. :wink:

now that’s a very intelligent decision. if you want to make something socially acceptable and less “seedy” then some believe it to be, legalise and tax it and make it organised. that’s the best way to ruin any enjoyable, illegal thing but still make it acceptable to the masses.

Given that it’s now a regulated industry:

  • The women get real health coverage.
  • Work conditions are better.
  • The government gets more money.

Basically it’s better for everyone.

Because one is an action, the other is a picture. But really, both should be outlawed (although I highly doubt porn ever will be).:wink:

not really. the payment of a woman to have sex with a complete stranger is an action which takes place within both the porn and prostitution industry. regardless of who watches, the “illegal” transaction/action still takes place

Yes, that’s a good question. I’d think that the people who act in porn films are basically prostitutes, except that they don’t get paid by the one they have sex with (or do they? I don’t know how the porn industry works, maybe sometimes the main star is financing the film?). Then there’s the customers - with porn they pay the ones who make it, while with prostitutes they pay either the pro directly or they pay the pimp. Maybe in porn, the producer is the pimp? So there actually is very little difference between the two, I think.

Maybe porn is legal and prostitution isn’t because those who make porn have more of a slippery-slope thingy. First they show pictures of naked people, and eventually most people get used to that. Then they figure that they could try going a bit further, by showing some kind of sex (probabluy just cuddling). And so on and so forth until eventually there’s full-on sex and stuff shown.

If porn is legal, then so should be prostitution. I also think drugs should be legalized, as there would be less overdoses, etc. because of the government regulation. These legalizations would do away with dangerous drug dealers and pimps; I doubt they’d be able to compete in a fair marketplace.

Not alot of harm can come from porno films.

Of course there is a difference between porn and prostitution. Is there a difference between watching someone being killed and killing someone?

Well, the reason porn exist is because for the goverment to say “you cannot show a penis entering a vagina in a film,” would be censorship. So, rightfully many people don’t want this to happen. Most people want art to be free, and despite the fact that most porn isn’t art, one also dosen’t want the goverment decideing what is and isn’t art and therefore what deserves legal protection.

Now you could introduce a law, saying that you can’t pay someone for sexual acts in a film. Somehow I don’t think that would work tho.

True. My guess as to why Prostitution is outlawed & porn is not is:

“The government is more “at risk” in it’s overall reputation if they allow prostitution to be legal.”

Maybe I wrong… :wink:

So if you approach a prostitute in the street, offer her 500 $ to have sex with you while you videotape it, then she’s no longer a prostitute but a porn star?

i didn’t mean watching porn but the actual filming of porn. in your example, the illegal aspect of the situation is the same (killing someone) whether or not it is being filmed/watched. my argument is there is no legal difference between paying people to have sex and filming it and paying people to have sex and not filming it.

Yes Hyena, that’s true. Referance- Bruno-B. Although generally the porn industy avoids prostitues as they are likely to carry STDs, but in theory its entirly possible.

Here is an even better one. You get a big peice of canvas, you paint the back of the prostitute black, you bone her on the canvas. She is no longer a prositiute but a fine art model.

because it’s art. :slight_smile:

Thank you for that sage peice of wisdom. :wink:


that’s a really cheap response and personally i’m gonna argue (like most people not involved in the porn industry) that it really isn’t.

if it is art and it is allowed, then why does it get censored?