Re-Electing "The Decider" In 2004!

This is really old. I made this and many more like it when Dubya was running his campaign for re-election in the Spring of 2003. I plan on posting the rest if anyone wants a good laugh… The image is a black and white print-out that has been scanned; the images I used were only found on his campaign website which I have yet to track down elsewhere…

I love the good old days…

definitely post the rest :evilfun:

So be it… Muwahaha… :evilfun:

One of them wouldn’t load… regarding Bush walking past a bunch of hardcore marines and saying: “America’s finest at my disposal… I think I’ll start a war…”


I say when the shit starts to hit the fan we all pool our money and buy an ILP island somewhere.

I can crack jokes, Sage and Km_ can make the aesthetics and stuff, everyone will do their part you know?

Bessy can make music with some of the other musicians…

Gamer can mutter to himself from one of his other ‘selves’…

The Dunamis can hide in a cave,


We’ll be the last rationals alive after the dust settles.

I’m not so sure we have many rational posters at ILP. :slight_smile:

Bah, rational… insane…

We’ll be the last… peaceful people?

edit: I forgot about Imp. Well… we’ll be something.

Just buy the island dammit!

A lease just popped up somewhere in the South Pacific… Let’s see if Ben can rally the funds on this one… it’ll be alot more expensive than an iPod, but shit… It’s well worth it.

We’ll populate it… spend several decades building it up with landfill and ancient Greecian architecture… boom… instant world center of philosophy. It’ll be the new Alexandria…

But what if this Israeli-Palestinian-Lebanese-Hezbollah business gets out of hand, and there’s a great battle of Armeggedon on the Plain of Meggido and the Book of Revelation basically happens? Won’t the ILP Island be too little, too late?

Yeah, what if. How about… what if the British Empire didn’t break apart the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of WWI and sanction Zionism? We wouldn’t have this bullshit going on if it weren’t for the Brits! Shall I elaborate?

In any case, our lovely ILP island would have superior technology… don’t ask how…

…okay, we made a deal with the aliens… Ben signed the agreement last week… don’t ask.

I shall be there in spirit.

…Bring a vat of ectoplasm.