Real black magic

Indeed it is rare to find that extraordinary individual who is a true black magician. Why is it christians and other believers are so afraid of black magic?

They must realize once and for all that Gods work entails good and bad. God is not all good.

I explained this earlier in the satanism post . A real black magician is one who is well tempered, controlled, unnattached to good or evil, indifferent. But always with a mind to help humans advance.

This is an important part of a real black magicians work. To help others evolve. Only when someone refuses to see the good in his or her life may a black magus show them through contrast using the dark side what in fact they have going for them.

We should not assume that those idiots who rant on about satan know anything about him. Wearing Satanic t-shirts and memorabilia {to draw attention to themselves}Burning black candles, wearing frowns constantly on their face, always wearing black,and all other sorts of ill balanced behaviour.

In general they can be compared to children seeking attention.
These people are only disturbed. A real black magus, and I know a few of them, is dissinterested, a well balanced individual. It just so happens that his calling in life is to show people their shortcomings.

Forget all about these idiots like alestair crowley, he was devoured in the end by the very beasts he summoned. He knew how to control zero in the astral plane. He was an idiot!

The work of the true black magus is as important as the white witch. This is called duality. And if you look ,you will find that the early hebrews understood god to be exactly that. A god of duality. Black and white, good and evil. There is no satan. Anyone who says differently, well maybe its time their poor mother had a word with them. Poor deluded wretches.

Iron Dog

Be veeeerrry careful here. Most have no understanding of what magick is. And of those that do, even less have the powers of attention and will to make any practical use of it. However, dabbling around in such things can have consequences even with our limited abilities. All of us are psychologically dirty on the outside since our lives are only lived on that level so it is easy to keep cleaning and one of the theoretical, at least, functions of religion. However, fooling with things you don’t understand can, without your knowledge, make you dirty on the inside. This is not so easy to clean.

When magic is talked about here are you guys using it as a metaphor for a style of interaction, or are you claiming that people can create physical change through their will alone.

Both monseur

If a Magus can’t cast Firaga, he’s not worth anyone’s time.

Iron Dog:

Here’s the problem. If you are telling the truth then you must limit your conversations to those who have experienced a ‘magical’ event as well. Folks who have only heard and read about magic are going to think you’re nuts, obviously.

What do I think? I think you’re lying or incredibly naive. What do you define as a magical event?

Yes, that’s a good question, as I currently think that you are full of it.

I know what black magick is. Something that doesnt exist.

Its pretty much at the height of douschbaggery to me to call oneself a “Satanist” and model oneself after a mythical being created in a religion that Satanists themselves dont even believe in. Its like a religion being modeled after the worship of Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars event though the practitioners dont believe the Star Was universe is real.

Thats the way I feel about it. Get a real religion if your going to be religious. Not just some knee jerk “Christianity is shit (which it is)” so Im gonna put their evil deity on a pedestal. Doesnt matter to me how you explain it. Im sure Ill get some mess about how they dont worship the Christian Devil but the rebellious nature that Satan represents or some such nonsense. I dont care. Its silly.

Crowley is responsible for a lot of this stuff. A lot of his “Im the Beast, 666” stuff was in jest (dark humor) to freak out and scare christians anyways.

It’s posts like this that remind me why I am a Satanist. :stuck_out_tongue:
Halfwits that come to conclusions without doing research seem to abound as of late.

“To be a Satanist, you don’t actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype.”

Though the refence is from a little quiz, its still right. Heh.

Satanism… a real good example of ‘Dont judge a book by its cover’ if you ask me.


I know all of that. Did I not predict these excuses? I know enough about Satanism. Again why use another religions evil diety? Why not break ties with christianity all together? Its just silly. If the “satan” in Satanism has nothing to do with the christian Satan at all them why even call the religion “Satanism” and the deity “Satan” in the first place? Why use Satan even as symbol? You just trade one dumb dogma for the other. All excuses and rationale aside. Its still a knee jerk reaction to Christianity.

satanism is called satanism for shock value. the originator wouldnt have gotten much attention if he called his religion something logical and cut all ties with other conventional religions because then no one would say “oh gee, look how esoteric and strange, i think ill delve into the human psyche by watching these people light candles and perform taboos simply because conventional religion told them not to, then go spend 50 dollars at hot topic on a pair of jeans and later go over to their friends house to play dungeons and dragons and look at german porn”. really, as vague and ridiculious this religion is, no one would care to inspect it if it wasnt called something taboo. if you ask me, satanism is more or less comparable a little kid touching a hot stove because his mother told him not to. only the stove is off so the kid decides to go play with transformers and eat fruit loops. whereas atheisim is more or less a teenager who is so enlightened that he shuts him self off to the possibilty of the stove being on in the first place, while berrating others who just want him to shut up so they can cook. then he goes off to play the new transformers videogame and eat fruit loops. now im hungry, gonna go get some fruit loops


Its pretty much at the height of douschbaggery to me to call oneself a “Satanist” and model oneself after a mythical being created in a religion that Satanists themselves dont even believe in. Its like a religion being modeled after the worship of Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars event though the practitioners dont believe the Star Was universe is real.

Thats the way I feel about it. Get a real religion if your going to be religious. Not just some knee jerk “Christianity is shit (which it is)”

Exactly palerider.

Satanical I feel sorry for you, obviously I have touched a raw nerve and upset you quite a bit. Otherwise you would,nt keep writing to add to my letters.

If you dont like what I say then stay away. Simple as that. I wont think any the less of you. You are entitled to your opinion.

Dont get so strung out by your convictions, Some of your replies have been quite heated, and whereas I never started speaking to you, you ,as a satanist, came along to speak to me.

Now If your a satanist, why bother arguing with people like me when you will get nowhere. Not because we are stupid , but because you are wrong. You express yourself in an uncouth manner.

Why not just go and hang out with your satanist buddies on satanist forums?

No detrop,
I dont limit my conversations to those who only have had experience of black magic. Thats like saying If one makes a world war two documentary then it is only aimed at folk with direct experience of world war two.

I am sharing with you my freind something that is real . Something you will know to be true. Something I can explain in greater dteail if you like.

Well, for one thing, Satanism has nothing to do with Christianities version of satan, no ties at all. They are not using another religions diety.

“Satanists believe that there are things that science and religion have not yet taken out of the “Darkness” - things that are yet to be explained. The name given to these things are “Satan”.”

These assumptions you two are making are completally and totally wrong.

Before you decide to tell us all that you’ve researched and know all about Satanism when its so obvious your simply drawing conclusions from the name, allow me to educate you a little on a few misconceptions about it:

It took no more then a minute to find that article, one of many. I suggest before you start flaming a set of beliefs such as the satanist’s you do a little research into it rather then drawing your own conclusions from its name.

  • W.C.

I agree with Plaerider too. If you didn’t want to be associated with Satan and thus God, then you shouldn’t label yourself a satanist.

Fine, you don’t believe in a god, and would rather spend your life with spiritual progress, but you can do that without calling yourself a satanist.

Palerider is very right. He understands well the issue. Satanists , read what he has said here , it should make sense to you.

Break this silly attachment you have to a name. I have only been right, and palerider has eloquently explained the folly of it all.

For example I am called nothing, I know plenty, but you cannot confine or box me, because I have no label.

I am .


You make some good points. And dont let anyone sneer or look down at you. I have defended you earlier from embracetrees attack on your character, for no apparent reason, in my other letter .

When you can change the physical properties of an object by looking at it and saying ‘abracadabra,’ give me a call.

Until then stay out of the New Age section at the book store and don’t talk to Satanist’s who wear polyester shirts.