
[size=50]…[/size][size=200]RED GROVER, RED GROVER - YOUR TEA PARTY’S OVER! [/size]






[size=50]…[/size][size=150]The Grover Norquest Dream Team[/size]


[size=150]Reagan was once California’s Govenor.

Now, California has only 29% of the electorate registered as republicans.[/size]








WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prominent American anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist on Monday insisted that his movement was as strong as ever and that Congress would withstand pressure to raise taxes even if more Republican lawmakers are spurning his anti-tax pledge.

A vast majority of elected Republicans have signed Norquist’s “taxpayer protection pledge,” launched in 1986, which commits them to voting against tax increases, and it became a sort of litmus test among U.S. conservatives.

But the new House of Representatives, which takes office in January, has 16 Republicans who so far have not signed the pledge, up from six in the outgoing Congress. One new Republican senator, Jeff Flake, also has not signed.

Speaking on the sidelines of a Washington event, Norquist told Reuters: “People don’t always take the pledge first when they run. A lot take it after they have been there for a while. The pledge isn’t the only vehicle for stopping tax increases.”

At the event, sponsored by the nonpartisan Center for the National Interest think tank where Norquist is a board member, he predicted House Republicans would withstand pressure from Democratic President Barack Obama to raise taxes.

Obama won re-election this month on a promise to raise tax rates on the wealthiest households while extending low tax rates for most other taxpayers down the income ladder.

He and Congress are trying to keep the country from falling off the so-called fiscal cliff at the end of the year when some $500 billion in tax cuts will expire and another $100 billion in automatic budget cuts will kick in.

Democrats gained seats in the both the 100-member Senate and the 435-member House with some Republicans softening their opposition to raising new tax revenue.

Though Republicans were stung by their electoral losses, Norquist said they can force Obama to compromise on tax increases and spending cuts by using the debt ceiling as leverage.

“The debt limit is an additional tool to explain to Obama that he is not the king,” Norquist said. “He has to go to Congress for resources.”

The U.S. Treasury Department has said it will have enough funds to avoid the ceiling until near the end of the year, and experts say they can use accounting maneuvers to delay the limit beyond that.

Some Republicans have assailed Norquist for his intransigence on tax increases. Former Republican Senator Alan Simpson, co-chairman of the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction commission, last week lambasted Republican supporters of the anti-tax pledge.

“What can Grover (Norquist) do to you? He can’t murder you. He can’t burn your house,” Simpson said at an event hosted by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, an anti-budget deficit group.[/size]





Sorry for the double post.

It would be nice if there was a way to remove a post in cases like this…[/size]




…[/size][size=130]Red Rover, Red Rover - time to bend over![/size]


Have you condidered what happens cognitively to a society when one of it’s major political movements is suddenly repressed without constructive resolution? This isn’t just the tea party, we’re discussion human nature accross the spectrum of history. What’s happening now is hardly over… if anything, we have half the population entrenching after their shock experiencing a cognitive collapse after a deeply disasterous election. Our system of taxation, and it’s justifications in the first place- how it actually works, is derived from the logic used by that faction. The machinery of state is dependent upon this, the very machinery that the current president won control of. It takes no genius to realize the current system is going to continue to break down as it’s largely incomprehenisble. This isn’t to say socialism is inherently incomprehensible, or Obama and the democrats are wrong in point of view… just that their point of view is invalid when applied to the mechanisms of state as constitutionally and socially mandated. The very value system of the winners of this election will ironically undermine their own endeavors, as they accept to a large degree the constitutional framework and social values of ‘money’, ‘aid’, and ‘work’, and ‘crime and punishment’ and ‘property’ and ‘investing’. This stuff is largely in our everyday life, and we do it, and we possess it- even the crackhead sleeping in Golden Gate Park with his pants off right now… he owns that needle in his arm. He’s not bothering anyone as he’s ass up on ‘his bench’, next to ‘his cart’. He worked for that panhandling honestly, from doing honest theiving.

I tip my hats to everyone, and cheer you on. Should be interesting as the thermadorian reaction sinks in as this new decade continues… the inner city ghettos can’t grow much more than they already have, their lined by high-tax yeilding commercial areas, road networks, and ‘green zones’. The poor areas are networking out… following simple Ekistics… and will remain a farmed electorate, dependent upon others, and the others will continue to hate them as they don’t need them in return nearly as much, or even at all.

Once you become completely useless, living in a Obamaville, your only use is literally to be used. It’s the likely result of this situation. Our past experiments with NIRA and socialized communities have usually failed because everyone including the residents hate it and it falls apart. Unless the democrats figured out something awesome and are keeping it a guarded secret from the rest of the public.

Don’t move to the inner city, get the fuck out. I was born in California, lived there for years, and later on moved back and lived in San Francisco… and did a deep study of it’s politics and cultural divides. It’s not a good place to live, and has the worst class distinctions and poverty of any society I’ve ever seen, including Iraq. Fuck, at least in Iraq you can become a self employed land owner with a tarp, a few boards and a wooden hand pulled plow if you wanted to in a matter of hours, for next to nothing. In California, the class your placed in is likely the one you will die in. High society is pure decadence and silliness, and is greatly reactive in terms of angst and anger to any system not to it’s taste. And it’s taste is determined by location, not personal choice. It’s deeply disturbing to know the difference between crime rates in the bay area are directly determined by this aesthetic arrangement of qualities they predetermined in advance via the building codes through shit poor city planning.

California represents America at it’s most backwards and worst. The state thrives on slave labor, and advocates every quality opposed to the survival of the individual, of the family, of survival, of life. They only push for stuff related to life when it results in greater government control over how you live. It’s a deeply deranged and self destructive society. Have nothing to do with it.


I like the way you turn a sentence young man.

A little long for this medium but…enjoyable.[/size]



[size=150]If you are a republican BEND OVER and SPREAD UM![/size]

[size=110]You are about to have a four-year long proctology exam.

And I hope you like tube steak. You’re gunna get fed lotsssssssssssss of tube steak…[/size]


i like the city, have lived in several different inner city areas, and would probably hate it where you live. i’ve never been to California, but i’m pretty sure it’s a little hyperbolic to say it represents America at it’s most backwards and worst - or maybe you actually feel that way, which would be simultaneously amusing and disturbing. But i think you’re mostly just pissed off at blue America because Obama won, a second time - i felt the same way about Texas when GW got re-elected.