Existence has no extrinsic value other then that which we place on it intrinsically. Therefore it isn’t coherent to objectify something like personal suffering simply do to the fact that it has no inherent value.
Agree? Disagree?
Post it mofos.
Existence has no extrinsic value other then that which we place on it intrinsically. Therefore it isn’t coherent to objectify something like personal suffering simply do to the fact that it has no inherent value.
Agree? Disagree?
Post it mofos.
I’ve no idea. Nor do you.
If you believe this piece of simplistic bullshit, then what are you doing here? The people who REALLY believe this are no longer with us.
… double post
…unless of course you are talking about the value of the charge on every electron in the universe with or without my consent.
Hahaha. As a reluctant theist I can’t really say I entirely subscribe to this line of thought, although I find it logical from a nihilistic stance. In my opinion combining both of these worldviews with a healthy skepticism yields (at most) an interesting ontology.
But you never specified whether you agreed with it or not which leads me to conclude one of two possibilities: Either A. You agree with it and are in denial (perhaps do to some personal angst on the subject) or B. You disagree and are either B1: unable to refute it or B2: Unwilling and therefore wasting valuable time by posting.