there are a few cases when people in a couple after having lived for many years together start to resemble each other more than in their early days. is there some mysterious natural law in it? why doesn;t it happen to all couples, just some?
or, it may be observed (but it may well be just a coincidence) that some people’s features (facial) or outer image after a longer time starts to assume the features of the environment they are in… (again, not all, maybe just most devoted and ardent ones)e.g. a person working with rodents may resemble a rodent himself.
It sounds I’m talking crap, but do observe it some time and you’ll see.
Lenore, have you ever seen two trees, grown together, that appear through an anthropomorphic eye to be embracing one another?
It may be a little like that, however I can probably come up with a more direct answer.
I think in certain love relationships people “give in” to their other. And in certain cases that giving in may result in changes in appearance. But who knows really what passes unseen between two people? Maybe there is a magnetism, a gravity which when accepted causes a settleing to occur, which is a completely psychological phenomena that forces one or the other to be influenced in a way that they may not even be aware of. A totally subconcious influence in which one picks up the mannerisms of their partner without even being concious of a change.
Do you have an example to share, or maybe you could express the reason you started this thread.
My father and my uncle (mother’s sister’s husband) worked together for almost 20 years. They owned a shop called Smith Brothers. Now in actually there never were any Smith brothers associated with the business, but over the years my father and uncle came to strongly resemble one another. They resembled each other so much that people often mistakenly addressed them as the Smith Brothers.