In his true book “Baptism of Fire” about his life in the SAS regiment, Frank Collins tells how they were surprised to find a small well-thumbed Bible among the contents of a colleagues rucksack who’d been killed in action, because none of them suspected he was into Jesus.
The moral for all of us is that you DON’T have to go to church or be baptised or any razzmatazz like that to be a Christian.
Just quietly carry Jesus around with you in your mind (rucksack) and you’ll be as good a Christian as anybody else.
Incidentally Collins himself later left the SAS to become a clergyman but killed himself later, he was a troubled guy all his life and had already tried to kill himself as a child by swallowing a bottle of aspirins…
He was one of the SAS team that busted the siege of the Iranian Embassy in London in 1980, i get tears in my eyes every time i see him and his mates in old news footage putting their lives on the line to rescue the hostages.
Jesus said “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13)
These few feet of film are a great memorial for him - … /intro.stm