my real name,
Let’s see now, the crimes supposed to have been committed by Saddam’s regime:
- Illegal invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
- “Gassing of as many [as] 5000 Kurds with blister agents in 1988 in the town of Halabja.”
- “The suppression of 1991 revolts by Kurds and Shiites.”
- “Murders of religious and political leaders.”
- “Mass displacement of Kurds in the 1980’s.”
“Unaccompanied by a lawyer, he [Saddam] was presented with seven preliminary charges.” “He brushed off the charges, suggesting he had immunity as Iraq’s president.”
The “key Bush administration justifications for invading iraq” have been (“which have since been called into question.”)
- That he (Saddam) possessed weapons of mass destruction
- Had contact with terrorists.
Now in all this how does US have any right to invade Iraq illegally itself and then present Saddam with charges of 1) Saddam’s illegal invasion of Kuwait, 2) So many killings when their very invasion has resulted in the deaths of so many?
“The interim Iraqi government assumed legal custody over Saddam and 11 of his top deputies on Wednesday.” But he “remains in U.S. physical custody.”
He [Saddam], “is subject to the Iraqi criminal code.”
Now, the U.S. desires info or “clues” on “the fate of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction programs” “and” info on “whether his regime had contacts with terrorists” although everywhere around me I just hear that U.S. invaded Iraq for their oil, to have control over it and the rest is just an excuse. Whatever…
Now as far as I know about the law, if someone’s privacy is illegally invaded, anything that is obtained therein cannot be brought into court for trial or proof. As such US CANNOT try Saddam in court legally. The reason this law is in the constitution because then one has no incentive to invade anybody’s privacy illegally to get proof or something else and will use legal means. As such I believe it is the Bush administration that is really at fault here and should be tried in court.
But since it is evident that Saddam or his regime have committed gross crimes and at present the interim Iraqi govt. has “assumed legal custody over Saddam and 11 of his top deputies,” as such if this interim govt. tries them in court, I’d say that would be legally right. However, if this interim govt. is going to follow directions from US and is to an extent composed of it then that I don’t think would be legally justified.
If you ask my opinion of the whole thing honestly, If Saddam's case was brought to me in the US, I'd throw it out of court for lack of basis, no matter how gross a crime Saddam may have committed. It's the responsibility of his country people to bring him to task not another country! Another country has no business invading another's privacy (US simply does not understand exactly where its boundary ends), the only time it has rights to be in another country is when it is invited or asked for help and after that it should leave and NOT overstay its welcome. And invasion of someone's privacy I guess would be fine by you if that someone is invading your privacy and causing harm and not leaving and there is no other alternative in sight but to invade their privacy and settle all dispute.
Some after thoughts:
Saddam says that he has “immunity” because he is Iraq’s president and so no one can press charges on him. Oh! Yeah? Why not? Why are you above the law? It’s the general public, the masses that have placed you where you are, how can you be more important than THEM? You can only be their servant, to look after their welfare. On top of that we all know that, ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,’ so the head of the country is the very person who CANNOT be above the law because he has the most potential to become corrupt and hence become a dictator. Do you think that’s why the masses made you who you are? Mr. President of Iraq? In all this how did you forget who made you president in the first place? Nonsense!!!
I believe that just like there is the body of government, there should also be a body of the public completely different from the government body so that if the government starts to show signs of dictatorship because ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,’ then this public body can take due action and should have the power to take such action against the government and if necessary call for help perhaps another country if needed. Otherwise how can the helpless public overthrow a dictatorship government ever?
Hey! I wrote a whole essay on this now, boy! Just like to honk my horn sometimes too
P.S. Sorry if I hurt someone’s feelings.