Even after much technological advancements made by humankind, we are yet to come to an understanding that “spirituality” is the very base of our existence. All those highly evolved beings have time and again emphasised on the spiritual aspect. In order to build a strong character at the individual & collective level, spirituality must be made as the base.
The state of equanimity is one of the main characteristics of spirituality. Without this quality human beings cannot establish themselves in the supreme state and their movement towards Supreme Consciousness will be thwarted at every step. This tragic predicament has retarded the spiritual progress of many highly realized souls in the past. Genuine spiritual practice is the birthright of all people. In all spheres of collective life—economic, political, social, etc.—a scientific and rational outlook is the main criterion. To restore the lost cardinal human values is of prime necessity. This is the demand of the age. But because this is lacking in our mundane life, there are so many incongruities and confusions in human society.
At this time, there is an urgent need for an all-round spiritual revolution in individual and collective life under the leadership of a group of accomplished and idealistic leaders. These leaders should be endowed with enormous spiritual power, and their ideology should be based on the solid rock of spirituality. Such highly qualified leaders are called “Sadvipras”. Sadvipras will keep the society moving progressively in all ages and in all countries. All genuine spiritualists will have to adjust with the level of the dusty earth out of the spontaneous love of their hearts and take up this task. They will have to share the wealth of their developed intellects with others, and lighten the sorrows and sufferings of humanity. Through their guidance and leader ship, the thought processes of the people of the world will take an entirely new turn, and the latent spiritual force in humanity will be awakened. Through their inspiration and accomplishments, the new people of the new generation, armed with a bold new vision of the future, will march forward triumphantly. The governments world over must work to create “Sadvipras” or spiritual revolutionaries. Only Sadvipras can provide true leadership & can give a right direction to the entire universe.