I am, in believing in my own version of God, many different things, while being in my own catagory at the same time. I believe that God is the ‘driving force’. I know some of you are tired of hearing me speaking of this force, but we have to admit, that this source (while being sometimes positive and light), can be very dark and seemingly evil… and I, in my own ways, embrace this darkness and evil, believing that balance is needed.
So, in a sense, I am a Satanist, believing that I myself am worthy of praise from myself, and that no actual personal God exists. I am dark, by nature.
I’m a Humanist, Satanist, Pantheist, and Hedonist.
So, what do you think of this, and what is your interpretation of Satanism? We have to know ourselves, and if you are indeed a Satanist in denial, I beg you to come out of your hiding place, and admit that you deserve praise.
I don’t know about Satanism. Belief in the idea of the devil was the first theological principle I shed. The idea of an essential evil seems strange to me too.
Satan to the Satanist is among other things, in a metaphysical sense, a label given to the dark impersonal force that permeates the universe. Call it life, death,fate, chance, luck, fortune, and misfortune, all rolled into one.
However, that is just a label, and plays no real part in the philosophy.
Satanism is a form of SuiTheism;Ego worship.
Some people like the mystery and sense of structure that religion can bring, in fact, most people need it. The Satanist realizes this, and has come up with a more rational solution than separating the self into internal and external,(deity worship) the carnal and the spiritual. the Satanist is one that examines these two and realizes there is really only one - the carnal.
I operate under the presumption that all people are ego-worshipers… no-one will ever do anything for the sole reason of harming themselves, at least not without being considered compleat nut-baskets… and this is all the proof that i need…
Now some might bring up something like “donating money to charity” or “going out of one’s way to help another.”… but i’d argue that you do these things in order to feel good about urself. After all… if you believed it was wrong to help a bum, and you knew for a fact u’d feel bad about urself after helping the guy… there is no way u’d give him any money…
In that sense… we are all ego-worshipers… we only do what we “want” to do… or are “forced” to do…
Total agreement. The problem is people don’t realize that there actually doing it for this reason. Everyone is out for themselves. Everything is for personal gain. Everything is for the ego.
Now I believe in a God, and my own variation of Christianity, but I know that I am driven by human nature and that everything, in the end, is going to be about me. The God is just there for moral support every once in a while.
Lets take another example, one I find to be heavily debated. And were going to do it with organized religion. We’ll just use God as our entity.
We are told to work towards everyones good so that we may go to heaven. So that we may see God and be in his company. We are told to be altruistic. But altruism is the biggest hypocrysy EVER. You are only altruistic to get somewhere, for yourself. In the aforementioned, to heaven.
All paths lead from the homeland- what we desire. No path starts off anywhere else. If we want something, even for good, we set out to find it, and sometimes never realize that we are attempting to feed our desires nonstop. Very agreeable. The one = carnal desire.
I find Satanism utterly ridiculous. Its not even comical…its just, well, sad. I mean I wish I could laugh at it, at least then I could find some sense in it…a parody, some irony…anything, but its just completely empty. Reminds me of a retarded kid bashing his head into a wall over…and over…and over.
Here’s the scoop on it.
Examine the Doc’s post. See all the characteristics that he explains as being “Satanic?” Well, all of those themes existed long before Satanism was ever around, they’re hardly of Satanic origins. That takes care of that.
Now, here’s how the retarded kid becomes sadistic and begins bashing his head. If Satanism was a real genre then it would be part of the Christian genre, as the concept of Satan was introduced in the Christian doctrine (and don’t come in here trying to say that “evil” has other names in other religions, because whatever that evil is, it has its antithesis…its “good” God). You don’t get Satan without God. Period. Now I’m not saying that God or Satan exists, although I am saying that they come together if they come at all. Alright. So let’s say that Satan does exist…then so does God. Well, according to the Christian doctrine, Satan gets his ass whooped in the end, right? It follows that anyone who claims to be a Satanist is equivalent to a retarded kid begging for an ass whooping. This is the technical aspect of the practice of Satanism that entirely escapes its practitioners. They are completely oblivious to the ass whooping they are destined to recieve.
Aside form that, what’s left is merely a fashionable, trendy, image that the Satanist is attempting to portray. Look at the Doc’s picture. Does he scare you? Certainly not…he evokes your sympathy if anything. Red eyes, sinister grin, pale skin, chicken bones on the alter, etc., etc. These are a bunch of stage effects attempting to exhibit the themes mentioned in the Satanic cult. But remember, they aren’t Satanic, and the practitioner looks like a fool while displaying such antics. Satanism is really only a medium in which retarded kids can identify and relate. So really all a group of Satanists can do is compliment each other on how “spooky” they look. They sure as hell aren’t going to spend any time reflecting on how they have managed to harness the carnal powers of the dark side, for there aren’t any.
Many of you have those cute little shirts that say “Disco sucks.” Well, that’s not all that sucks. Satanists suck, so get yourself a shirt with a picture of the Doc stabbing himself in the eye with a rod iron poker, 'cause that’s the last thing he’ll ever see if in fact he’s right.
By the way, is it “whooping” or “whipping.” The dictionary says that “whoop” is a loud sound, although I’ve heard people say “whooping” when refering to a beating. Slang?
Of course, the Satanist would reply that they don’t believe in Satan, they are only using the term to apply to their ideal, because their ideal is against the sort of ethics mainstream religion endorses, so the symbolism is appropriate.
The obvious reply to this is that while Satan doesn’t exist and neither does God (for the Satanist), Satanism only exists because it’s ‘cool’, and it’s only cool because it freaks out the establishment, and it only freaks out the establishment because they believe in God.
So, whether or not God and Satan exist, Satanism still relies on belief in God to have any context. Without all the fashion, it’s just ‘looking out for number one’, and some guy climbing the corporate ladder can do that just fine without all the The Crow references.
That is about the same way I feel about those that speak offhandedly about things they have very little knowledge of, as you have made evident in this post.
If you knew what you were talking about,(which you obviously do not) you would realize that Satanism makes no such claims of the origins of these qualities, other than they are natural to humans. this statement really highlights your ignorance on the subject.
So christians coined the word Satan then? More offhanded ignorance…
Actually satan means adversary, and it was never used as a name untill the NT. But I’m sure you know that…
Say’s you, the all knowing arbitator of wisdom in the universe? Bullshit.
The qualities displayed by the christian devil are very humanistic , and that imagry serves as a symbol to us. belief in imaginary friends is un needed and counter productive…againt you show ignorance of what you speak.
And besides that, the word satan didn’t originate in the bible, and wasn’t used as a name or title, rather as a descriptive word.
It becomes more and more evident you haven’t a clue. If you liken Satanism to devil worship you obviously don’t get it.
LOL! Or, perhaps Satanists don’t need imaginary friends, and for the most part find the idea rather amusing.
Actually, a friend made that for me, and I thought it was cool. I don’t have pale skin, and my eyes are blue. I am a professional, and if you saw me in the workplace you’d probably be calling me ‘sir’. That is, if you even have a job…
Regardless…There is power in that image.
Most of the world believes in the concepts of good and evil, and live by a christian defined morality;even most atheists. I do not, and since I embrace my humanity to its fullest extent, outsiders may label me as ‘evil’
So be it, I rather enjoy the darker imagery, and what it represents. The oposer and the adversary of faith and stupidity everywhere.
How did you squeeze so much ignorance into one post?
First, Satanism isn’t a social club.
Second, Satanists aren’t goths. I am not goth. They are completely separate phenomenon.
3rd, how do you know there aren’t any ‘carnal powers of the darkside’ whatever that means? Regardless, Satanists seek to harness no power that doesnt come from OURSELVES.
And lastly, almost anything would look foolish to someone that didn’t understand it, besides, what other people think is always secondary.
Spreading misinformation based on ignorance sucks more.
The childishness and insulting nature of your post did very little to lend it credibility, de’trop, but the pure lack of understanding gave it humor, at least.
Wrong, ‘god’ is irelivant. So is christianity. It is the believers and the ones that champion anti-human ideals and mind-numbing sheep behavior that gives our Satan context, and even if christianity were to collapse tomorow, something equally as mind-numbing would rise up to replace it.
In fact, it already has. Look at all the supposed free minded ‘atheists’ buying into mtv culture. “what should I wear, how should I act, what should I think?” Satanism will continue along, undaunted, understanding that human nature is what it is, and isn’t likely to change.
That is me you just described. You seem to forget Satanism is also a philosophy, and as such does not require any ‘crow’ referances to function any more than you need to wear a crown of thorns and sandals for christianity to function.
Just to further clarify, for those that read slow and think slower.
Satanism is a philosophy that deals strictly with the here and now. Talk of afterlife, beforelife, creation, souls, and anything else that exists only in fantasy has no relivance to it, whatsoever.
Satanism involves no worship, no faith, no belief, and champions the questioning of ALL things.
whilst I am a little troubled that there is so much agreement between what I have said at an earlier date and what de’trop has written, is it unreasonable to make associations with Christianity’s ‘Satan’ - since A.S. Levy did so much to suggest such an association?
Not at all unreasonable. Christianity is the predominant religion in our society, and it permeates every part of our existance. As it is now, as it was when LaVey codified the religion. Christianity IS the biggest purveyor of everything Satanism is against, and the name would probably be different had an entirely different form of theism risen in it’s place.
But the intent, and the principle, would be the same.