
If it isn’t obvious by now Erik over the past couple of years has gone into the deep end and joined the Jesus brigade.

All your prayers are for not…

No kidding, he’s gone from disciple of darkness to angel of light.

Erik, you haven’t been sucked into a cult, have you?

I know I have gone to the polar opposite side; I used to be a Ragnar Redbeardian Might is Right advocator and a sympathizer of Satanism.
But I was on the wrong side - that’s not who I am.

There really are such things as good and evil. Nietzsche was wrong.

Gib, no, I haven’t joined a cult lol. I’m just on the light side of the force.

That’s what he meant by Beyond Good and Evil.

You’re more than on the light side, you’re a Jesus freak. ← That’s pretty particular… unless you just mean to pose as the opposition to Satanism.

If you are equating zeal with being a freak, then so be it.

Unfortunately, loud-mouthed evangelicals, like the Westboro baptist church, have given Jesus a bad reputation.
Jesus is not like that. He is a wise sage, divine.

I use the present tense “is” because he still exists, in spirit form.

If I were to upload an image of the Buddha and talk about the Buddha, would you call me a “Buddha freak”?

Out of all the sages and mystics, Jesus was and is the greatest of all.

Hi Erik,

Happy holidays to you. Enjoy them.

If Jesus was not, had not been, thought of/believed to be the Son of God, would you still consider him to be the greatest of the sages and mystics, Erik?

I understand where you are “coming from”, Erik - I’ve been there - but can you really make a statement like that? Well, you can but would it be reality?

I mean, consider how very many wonderful sayings/thoughts/spiritual insights have come out of the minds and hearts of men and women? Many of these have spoken of love, et cetera ~~Rumi ~~ among so many others.

It’s not like like one can take a poll.

But of course we are entitled to our beliefs and how they may astound and amaze us.

Take it slow.

I just don’t know what you call these guys–you know, the young folks who cum in their pants when they think of Jesus and have Jesus discussion groups and think that drinking lemonade while listening to dance music is the way to party–the closest term that comes to mind is “Bible Thumper” but I’m not sure how big you are into the Bible–but if you’re as ardent a Jesus lover as you seem to be, I’m coining the term “Jesus Freak” just for you. Doesn’t actually mean you’re a freak.

It’s just if you’re really on a spiritual path all your own, why buy into a particular established religion? I mean, so you’ve found Jesus, fine. But what lead you to him? Did you have a vision? Did you experience some deep spiritual epiphany in which Jesus spoke to you? Unless it was some direct mystical experience that brought you face-to-face with Jesus himself, what reeled you into an already institutionalized (and politicized) religion.

I miss the old Erik when we were plotting to overtake the world. The new Erik is a vegan that only wants to light incense and meditate.

Are you here to save our poor souls? :stuck_out_tongue:

True story, I grew up fifteen blocks away from that church.


Hello Arc,

Nice to hear from you.

From personal experience with spiritual warfare, and from my intuition and honest assessment, Jesus is the greatest.

I’m eclectic, meaning that I appropriate many teachings from various spiritual practices.

I believe that there are many gods and many wise teachers that we can learn from.
I’ve seen some of Rumi’s sayings. They are nice.

But Jesus stands out the most. There is power in his name.

Gib, like I said before, many so called ‘Christians’ have given the person of Jesus a bad rep.
But one ought to be able to distinguish Jesus from ‘Churchianity’, the politicized religion.

True Christianity is mystical communion with the divine, not religious dogmatism.

Joker, God wants you to have a pure heart and soul, to be a good person. This does not mean you
need to deny yourself, deny your passions and live a boring life of blind obedience. God does not
want your obedience. He wants you to know what he is truly like. If you know what he is really like,
then you naturally want to be like him, to be good.

Godly acts are things like being a big brother or big sister to orphaned children. Little children are like angels.
To be there for them, like family, fills their hearts with happiness and makes God smile.

Happy for you Erik. :smiley:


There just seems something off about this. It seems odd that you can say you’re following your own spiritual path yet you have become a “disciple” of Jesus.

Yes, Jesus has a bad rep because of all the acts of corruption we’re told the Church gets its hands into. I’m tainted by this too. But the whole love-4-Jesus bandwagon thing isn’t something I can’t take seriously. Maybe you’re on this bandwagon, maybe not, but it’s not my thing.

I suppose then I ought to say: good luck to you in your spiritual endeavors; I hope you find (or keep) peace.

You are actually quite correct, in a fashion. It is that very view that gives the word ‘satan’ power and definition.

The bad guy, the other, the darkness, that which you are not.

Plucked out of mythology this idea can be very useful for personal development.

