Satyr's Words

A reference guide to decipher the goat-man’s use of words.


From the French en retard…late.
Someone who has yet to catch up to the conversation.
Someone who has not yet fully developed.
Someone who may not fully develop, because of cajoling.


A undeveloped psyche.
A mind with the disposition of an infant.


Repeating, consistent, predictable, actions, behaviours, with perceptible sequences, rhythms.


Unpredictable, inconsistent, non-repeating, actions, behaviours, with no perceptible sequence, rhythm.

Naturally Selected

That which offers an advantage.
That which makes survival and reproduction easier - facilitates, increases probability.
Selected through trial & error, or unconscious, will-lesss, interactions.
Intuitively, instinctively selected via female agency - through female sexual judgment evaluation of perceived qualities, i.e., choice.

Socially Selected

That which adherer’s to a shared or popular ideal.
That which makes social and institutional acceptance more probable - facilitates, increases probability of ascending social hierarchies, accessing quantitative and qualitative superior reproductive options.
Selected through social means: vetting, promotions etc.
Intuitively, instinctively selected via a conscious agency - male or female.


Degree of independence from…movement away.
Degree of independence to…movement toward.

No absolutes means no absolute independence.
All is free-unfree to a degree - determined by tis strength, i.e., power…its potential to resist and/or to overcome resistance.

Lorikeet, you forgot Idiot’

The word idiot originated in the 1300s, from the Old French word idiote, which meant “person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning.” Today, though, idiot describes anyone who does foolish things, especially things that inconvenience others.


Focus of an organism’s aggregate energies - or those it has gained control over - towards an object/objective.
Control is not absolute nor eternal - but ephemeral and incomplete.
This focus indicates its intent.
Will only refers to life…not to non-living energies or unities.
Schopenhauer wrongly used the term - giving his definitions and justifications - but forever confusing millions of men-children; Nietzsche adopted it increasing confusion, as this would be mistakenly interpreted as cosmic intent.
Will-power is a measure of freedom.

An organism’s aggregate energies are not fixed…they fluctuate, viz., increase/decrease in time, and due to environmental spatial circumstances.
Therefore, will is not a fixed quantity/quality of force, power, Energy.
Existence and its constant dynamic interactivity erodes it…requiring contant exercise and replenishment.
Stress exercises will; comfort atrophies it…just as the body.
The body is a manifestation of Will.
The body’s boundaries, its shape, its proportions, is an expression of its will and the type of method it has inherited to endure space/time attritions - species.

No, it is probably from the Greek ιδιώτης…layman…someone who is not an expert.
Citizen. Someone who lacks expertise or the talents or the knowledge/understanding to rule.

But how about it’s inter-essential connective to self depreciation, as a compensating ‘joy’

“ But first of all Freud’s writings on masochism, or more accurately, sadomasochism, are given … infant’s delight in exposing himself and gaining attention.”

From Civilisation and it’s discontents:

But how about it’s inter-essential connective to self depreciation, as a compensating ‘joy’

“ But first of all Freud’s writings on masochism, or more accurately, sadomasochism, are given … infant’s delight in exposing himself and gaining attention.”

From Civilisation and it’s discontents:

[/He clearly says here that the enigma of masochism consists in the fact that masochistic displeasure is no longer a means for reaching pleasure, but itself is/]…


Perception and storage of data - experiences (second or first hand)
Since all perceptions are of ordered energies, i.e., matter, energy, liquid, gas, knowledge is the perception and interpretation and then conversion to a form neurological - using apriori concepts - the organism can process and store as memory.
DNA is a form of inherited memory, reduced down to a cellular algorithms informing, guiding an organism. Genetically stored memories communicate with the mind via the nervous system, as feelings, sensations, or via the appropriation of experiential memories.

Knowledge can be returned to the world in the form of action. Choice being an action expressing will.
Reconversion of stored memory, i.e., experience, instincts, intuition, via the nervous system - including brain - into muscle activity.


Perception of patterns in the stored knowledge, i.e., data patterns.
Perception of connections between noumena and/or phenomena - meaning.

Such patterns can be used to predict ordered nature…estimating probability of outcomes or interactions.
Chaotic energies remain beyond a organism’s understanding or knowledge…and can only be perceived via their interaction with patterned energies.

Understanding increases the recognition of what is more and what less important, i.e., wisdom.

What are you commenting on?

If it is on “idiot” then it implies a return or a retardation of maturity. A desire to remain a child, free to be oblivious and explorative, with no fear and no care.
Citizen = child; Government = parent.
Retardation - Idiot.

Agreed, but can’t account for the transforming power of the inversive apparatus contingent in processes of adaptation , in reference to compensation or de compensation, as modal equivalence’s between transcended and imminent (conscious) experienced.

Neurological basis are of ex-post facto processes, whereas levels of awareness or conscious manifestations are not.

Stress is avoided…adaptation to environment when environment is manmade - cajoling, sheltering.
Liberating consciousness to indulge in exploration or art - sublimation of libidinal energies.

Excess is easy when there is no expenditure towards self-maitnenance, ro alertness, or self-healing…

Masochism and sadism emerge as a unconscious desire to experience existence without a parental sheltering agency - hypocritical in that sadism and masochism remain controlled.
Experience of existence via a proxy - to stress or to induce stress in the form of pain.
Also the subconscious desire to punish for accepting the deception.

Such desire, is an a-priori manifestation to explain a-posterior effects or reactions, where re-active processes are basically subconscious impressions. The infant, rightly so, wishes-to will to remain in a safe unseeable space, timeless in the beginning through, until the transparencies outside realm become exposed to it. That is why it is most probably anstinctive situational context that his brain reacts to a priori.

The fact that it regresses inter-Alia to sun human realms, does not take away its efficacy, because it finds it’self on a much higher developing plateau.

Correct, no question