several questions for the Trump cult followers

let us say, you win… what does the future look like to you?

how does Trumpism includes people and not excludes?

how does Trumpism succeed in solving our current issues,
such as climate change, the division in our country, income
inequality, pollution in air, sea and land, over population…

in other words give us concrete solutions to our current issues
using the solutions offered by Trumpism…

why is Trumpism the answer as opposed to liberalism?

what is the goal of Trumpism? what is the point?

to MAGA, what exactly has to happen and how does Trumpism
do that?

you want people to believe in your ideology, ok then, you have to offer us some
solutions to the current problems using your ideology/ism…

why is Trumpism the answer America needs?

many questions… can you answer them?


ok, Trump followers, if Trumpism is so superior to liberalism/democrats
then it should be an easy sell to make to us… sell us your
ism/ideology… as superior to liberalism and why?


I am surprise by the fact that the “true” believers aren’t jumping all
over this thread defending their “righteous” positions…

I mean if I believed in an ism as whole heartedly as they claim to believe
in their position, I would be speaking out at the greatness of Trump…
but all I hear is… silence…observe had posted at least twice after I posted
this and yet, nothing… maybe they just don’t actually believe in their MAGA
crap…maybe it is nothing more then Kubuki theater with them…

oh well, the spot is open for them if they ever decide to defend their position…


[quote=“Peter Kropotkin”]
let us say, you win… what does the future look like to you?

how does Trumpism includes people and not excludes?

how does Trumpism succeed in solving our current issues,
such as climate change, the division in our country, income
inequality, pollution in air, sea and land, over population…

in other words give us concrete solutions to our current issues
using the solutions offered by Trumpism…

why is Trumpism the answer as opposed to liberalism?

what is the goal of Trumpism? what is the point?

to MAGA, what exactly has to happen and how does Trumpism
do that?

you want people to believe in your ideology, ok then, you have to offer us some
solutions to the current problems using your ideology/ism…

why is Trumpism the answer America needs?

many questions… can you answer them?

K: I am not overly surprise by the silence given to this thread by the Trump cult
followers… and why?

because Trumpism cannot answer the basic questions of existence…

what am I/we to do? what values should I/we hold? what can we/I hope for?
what can we/I believe in?

Trumpism is a statement without context…it does not and cannot answer
the basic questions of what does it mean to be human?

Trumpism is a failure because it cannot answer the basic questions of
existence… whereas Liberalism can… now one may disagree with those answers,
but at least Liberalism offers us an idea of what it means to be human
and tries to answer to the basic Kantian questions, "What am I/we to do? "what should
we/I hope for? what does it mean to be human? Liberalism does answer these
questions that conservativism/Trumpism cannot answer…

if those who hold those beliefs of Trumpism/conservativism could answer the
questions of existence, they would, but they can’t…they don’t offer us
any type of solutions to the pressing problems that we face today…

and in fact, they claim that the pressing problems that we face is ''fake news"
which given their inability to answer the questions of existence, is really
the only answer they can give…it is “fake news”, seriously, what else do they have
to solve the questions of existence and the pressing problems of the day?

they cannot offer us any type of defense of Trumpism or conservatism…

and so they stay silent… and given the nature of their beliefs, I too,
would hold to silence if I held those beliefs…


it has been a few days and yet, certainly not to my surprise,
the defenders of Trumpism have been silent… no wonder, there
is no defense for Trumpism… it failed over the last 4 years and even
IQ45 defenders cannot save it… I had hope that the defenders of IQ45 would
come out and defend him or at the very least his policies… but alas,
you cannot defend the indefensible… I suspect this thread will end in silence…

the silence of Trump defenders unable to defend him or his policies…


Here’s another question for the Trump cult followers:

What if this… … e=Homepage

[b]"More than 100 Republicans, including some former elected officials, are preparing to release a letter this week threatening to form a third party if the Republican Party does not make certain changes, according to an organizer of the effort.

The statement is expected to take aim at former President Donald J. Trump’s stranglehold on Republicans, which signatories to the document have deemed unconscionable.

“When in our democratic republic, forces of conspiracy, division, and despotism arise, it is the patriotic duty of citizens to act collectively in defense of liberty and justice,” reads the preamble to the full statement, which is expected to be released on Thursday.[/b]

…becomes a political reality?

A second conservative party would seem to be something most liberals would embrace wholeheartedly. Especially given the assumption by many on the left that the Trump Republican Party is basically just an attempt to make Trump and his heirs the next führers.

Another take on it: … ird-party/

K: I have heard that there will be some sort of alternative GOP convention around
Sep or Oct of this year…to begin to lay out their candidates for the 2022 election…
a year is about right for them to start getting their act together for the next election…



(I’m conducting a meme attack, keter. I’ll be finished shortly)


no problem… in fact, IQ45 did say, the election is rigged unless I win it…
in one of his Nuremberg Rallies…




I do not think any of them have asked themselves these questions, seriously.

It’s more on the level " Da gummint is bad yo. Trump he say gummint is bad too. Me love Trump. maga maga maga oi oi oimaga maga maga oi oi oimaga maga maga oi oi oimaga maga maga oi oi oimaga maga maga oi oi oi

Watch out for the mad rush!

:-" :-" :-k :-k
Maybe the delay is because dinosaurs have slow reation times, and you have just tugged them by the tail.
Maybe a few more days?

K: actually its more like: we own them libs by giving this country massive deficits/fiscally
irresponsible government/ Nazi beliefs including misogyny, racism, homophobia/ cancel culture/
concentration camps for children/ massive violations of the law/ and we attempted
to overthrow the government…that is how we own the libs…


Watch out for the mad rush!