
Is this the fitting place? Fuck. Sex is interesting. I like it in many forms. People probably know this. I think it is the subject behind most subjects, basically behind all subjects except philosophy-proper, and Im the only one doing that. So for all you, sex is the only real subject. That is meant as a joke, but only because people won’t take it seriously, not because it isn’t true.

Of course this is all exaggerated. For many people, sex is not at all the center of the world. Not at all. Love, care, these things are. But Im talking about the world of great changes, dynamisms, the element that fuels the progress of nature. The reason why Jeff Bezos is so rich and such an asshole and wants to fly rockets. The reason for many rockets and micro aggressions.

To not be able to have proper sex can have several reasons, most of them painful to speak about, so I won’t do that. That’s annoying. Psychoanalysis is really annoying in that sense too. You can’t really speak it unless you have no morals or scruples at all, or no people who care about what you think. Anyway, people know all these reasons all too well so it’s not useful to talk about them anyway.

Anyway I just wanted to make a thread that’s not necessarily beating around the bush. I don’t like the fact that I’ve not been philosophically understood and yet of course it only heightens my pride. I need to blow off some pride, very often in fact, lower myself to not constantly feel like a God. You know how distressing it can be to be a god? Well, just look at how angry gods tend to get.

What is interestring, is gods of sex, goddesses of sex. Aphrodite is “interesting”.
What a cowardly thing to say to a woman, let alone to the goddess of sex. Interesting.
It is true that such women can be drawn to “interesting” men.

The highest spiritual experiences (which are sensual in nature) are somehow aphrodisiacs. In other words, the highest spiritual experiences have a way of propelling one back into a world of earthly sexual desires (it’s as if your libido is renewed and sex once again becomes something innocent). It’s an endless repeating cycle. Life’s way of regenerating interest in “base” sexual desire (so life can go on through “crude” reproduction) through higher spiritual experiences. Lust itself need not be seedy (although in many cases it is)… In desiring “to be” (to live again) with one’s god (which is the source of life) one should ache with a virtuous lust (i.e. a lust which elevates… a lust which does not extinguish itself in animalistic sex and fluids but rekindles the internal flame of the one lusting after he has reached re-union with his beloved). I use the word “lust” because even in virtuous lusting the object of the lusting is still a beautiful body (perhaps a body that has never been seen before)… the ends are what are different…the movement is upwards…which ironically leads one back down… and so on and so forth

Now if your highest spiritual experience did not renew your interest in sex… how high was it really?

Who needs spiritual experiences to have their interest in sex renewed?

It is true that the libido is the essential engine for spirituality/occultism. But spirituality for sex? Isn’t sex a permanent obsession of all men?

Or most?

Its true of course that spiritual experiences can alter, or refine, specify ones sexual tastes. If thats your point, its an important one.

Once you want to stop severely hurting the feelings of others. You give up sex completely.

Everything that people think can only be done with sex and sex alone, can be done better with pure spirit.

One of the three structural problems of existence is:

The pleasurable exclusive access problem.

This is defined (amongst many things) by sex and marriage.

That’s how you know you’ve met a psychopath…

They know it’s true, but they don’t care.

Once you figure out that you live forever, you care infinitely.

It’s ignorance that causes sex.

Nope, nothing really creepy so far.

Well, if you’re too focused on sex (and just sex) you can quickly become disillusioned with sex (or turned off by the idea of it) even if you still feel the same instinctual urge in your body (that doesn’t go away). My main point, however, is that the sensual is superior to the sexual but in such a way they sort of feed each other. Superior in feeling.

Yes. The sexual without the sensual is disgusting.

Ecmandu - you are implicitly an antinatalist, are you not?