
It seems we’re constantly trying to justify old morals while modern beliefs try to do away with them all together. I can’t see things being developed without a purpose so I’m curious…

Why do you think we’ve decided to make our sexy parts sacred? It’s bad to touch, look and even talk about them.

It’s quite the opposite. More than one and a half millenia of the particular morality propounded by the state religion of the Roman Empire have made sex a dirty, nasty, guilt-tripping thing that only horrible perverts take pleasure in. The Catholic Church had a lot of power to gain by making hymns in church the only legitimate source of great joy. If people believe in “original sin” and the notion that sex is for procreation only, not to be enjoyed too much, they are much easier to control.

So the answer is, we have allowed our church elders to monopolize our capacity for exultation and happiness, and they have done this by convincing us that our easiest and most natural means of being joyful with our fellow beings is dirty and “sinful” and offensive to God when done other than for reproduction.

(This reminds me of this wonderful page. Briefly, I’m not a Marxist but this is a wonderful representation in light of the above. As the man says: “I always pictured Marx as a big paunchy dick-swingin’ guy.” Viva la revolucion!)

Yea I’m aware that religion played a role in the creation of these sort of behaivors but that doesn’t really answer the question why. There’s some merit in certain concepts its just a matter of how much is actually practical and beneficial. Most of the 7 deadly sins are annoying qualities for people to have it’s just that we all have them and they’re hard to hide. You could argue that it’s wrong and unatural to pretend you’re not those things but in order to live in some sort of society you need to keep some shit to yourself. 1-5 of the ten commandments are basically religious the rest have value though.

Why does any dictator do entirely similar things? He wants to, he thinks he has to, he thinks he has the right to. Some combination is probably accurate for our purposes. This ties into why Christian Europe and Massachusetts (and, nowadays, the U.S. outside of MA :laughing: ) were so paranoid of witchcraft - it’s partly a sexual liberation thing and we can’t have that.

As to your point that some of the ideas propounded by religious morality are good ones: I won’t argue that. However, the vast majority of, for example, Hebrew law (Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, and suchlike) is purposeless from any rational point of view. The arbitrariness and the sheer amount of arcane rules that are delineated after such useful ideas as “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” all points to an incredible amount of control-freakery in that society.

Why does a control freak need to control things?


I do not think it was “decided” that “sexy parts” are “sacred”.

And also being sacred does not mean “bad to touch, look and even talk about them.” Sacred just means set apart for God.

And also not all religions see sex as taboo. For example, in Hinduism sex is celebrated and from whence you have the karma sutra.

But in the biblical narrative of the creation, man and woman were naked at the beginning, which I suppose, is like the way animals are naked today, and have no sense of shame about it, even to copulate in “public”.

It was only after Adam and Eve have eaten of the fruit of the “tree of knowledge of good and evil”, ie only after they have attained knowledge of good and evil, were their “eyes opened” and then realised that they were naked, and felt shame, and covered themselves up.

Now if this narrative is true, then we, unlike animals, have a natural sense of shame when we see others’ nakedness or when our nakedness is exposed before others. And this sense of shame is somehow derived from our knowledge of good and evil.

Perhaps we are ashamed because, now knowing evil, we immediately abused the sexual pleasures suggested by our “sexy parts”, such as desiring sex for sex sake, rather than sex being enjoyed as part of and the expression of the ecstacy arising from the love and oneness with another.

But I am not entirely sure why we feel ashamed about nakedness and what is the psychology behind this, and I am sure someone have explained it somewhere on the web, eg the psychology of shame, which I will search for right now.

I was looking for something more specific. They think they have to yes but why? There are meritable reasons for most things that are created. Its time that blurs the reasons for creation and transforms them into what everyone hates.

Plus there are the social aspects of why people think they should change things. For example curses… people shouldn’t really be offended by curses because they’re just words and sounds with a rude connotation but only when used in specific contexts. Most people though will say they’re rude in any context as well as unprofessional and immature. The point is people are offended by it despite the fact that it’s not the right situation to be offended by it because the act of cursing has a negative connotation to it. Are there negatives to sex related situations outside of the obvious illegal ones? I’d say yes and they’re mostly social. I’m trying to discover the negative social aspects of sex related topics if there are any.

Is there a justifiable reason for keeping sex and its sub topics private? It’s a broad topic and I was hoping for a little more than “religion has corrupted your mind again!”

Yea I should’ve went with private. I didn’t mean to bring specifically just religion into the equation.

Damn you alliteration

Private, meaning? Not to be discussed? To be acted only behind closed doors? Or what?

In any case even if there is no law against public nudity and “indecent acts” I think only a handful with exhibitionistic fetishes will exploit it. The majority will still have sex behind closed doors. I dont think it is a cultural or religious thing but just something wired in us.

As for curses being offending, I think it is because curses, like insults, are expression of malice towards another. It is against this malice that offence is taken, and not for any efficacy in the curses.

Each tribe (i.e. religion/state/whatever) makes its own set of taboos, most of which are obviously arbitrary under serious scruteny, to create a difference between another tribe’s set of taboos. So now each tribe has impressed in each of its members a distinct “us vs. them” mentality that prevents tribes from freely interacting because of the clashing taboos. I have written a story to show this:

Adam from Tribe M comes across the very attractive Eve from Tribe F. Now Tribe M and Tribe F have very different views about how love and procreation and sex all relate and should properly be ordered, so both tribes have their own sets of taboos. Adam says, “Hello, Eve looking so beautiful, would you like to have anal sex?” This is the standard way of initiating a loving relationship in Tribe M, but completely forbidden in Tribe F. Eve thinks “Eww, Ouch, what? What kind of freak is this, but he is very good looking so I’ll turn him down on this, but offer something a little more acceptable.” Then Eve says, “No, but would you like to perform oral sex on me?” This is the way a loving relationship is initiated in Tribe F, but completely forbidden in Tribe M. So now Adam is thinking, “Eww gross, hell no.” and turns her down. Now they are both wicked pissed that the other turned them down, and completely grossed out and simultaniously think, “I’m so confused and frightened, how could such a weirdo exist, I’m going directly back to Shaman to ask what to do.”

So we see how taboos serve two distinct perposes that have been very important factors in human history. Taboos are created:

  1. To protect the tribal identity/culture and genetics from being too greatly affected by other tribes

  2. To provide the tribal Shaman (taboo maker) with control over the rest of the tribe

Heh. Fair enough. This is, however, one of those situations in which I cannot in good conscience take a position other than “Religion has corrupted our minds, our pedagogy, and our conditioned subconscious reactions.” I have to disagree with Chanbengchin that any of this is internal, genetic, pre-determined, instinctive, etc.

And the Shaman told Adam maybe you should just hold hands and kiss (which is not taboo in Tribe M), and let whatever happens next comes naturally. And Eve also consulted her mother, who asked whether she had seen Adam and whether he is big and strong. Eve said yes, and mother said, then perhaps you should let Adam’s wishes prevailed regardless of shame or pain (and acceding to a man’s desires at all costs is consider high virtue in Tribe F). And so Adam met Eve again, and Adam asked to hold Eve’s hands and Eve said OK. Adam then asked can he kiss her, and again Eve said OK. Then it happened. And this moment is the genesis of the literal merger of Tribe M and Tribe F which led to what is today Tribe C, an occassion always remembered and celebrated as Kissing Day in all of Tribe C. :laughing:

Pedagogy or conditioning merely begs the question, ie why do we teach what we teach, and why do cultures or societies evolved to condition its members for certain sexual attitudes and values, etc. If we are merely biological then why modesty, decency and shame never evolved in the other species except humans.

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking.

The fact that human beings are conditioned from earliest childhood to feel shame and guilt in the presence of sexuality denotes that we are not “merely biological.” Cultures and societies evolved to condition their members in a certain way in order to keep those members on the “straight and narrow” path.

At a time in history when sexual behavior is a matter of national security, i.e. when failing to reproduce properly can have adverse effects on the whole tribe, this type of control can perhaps be justified. In our society, we can see these regulations for the archaic and outmoded rules that they are.

Did I answer your question, or accidentally dodge it completely? :slight_smile:

Don’t we all wish? Too bad what really happened was that Shaman M declaired Jihad on Tribe F and that’s why Muslims still treat women like shit today.

(If I’ve offened any Muslims, I’m not sorry. Your religion is stupid. Get over it.)