Shirley’s birthday

Coming up today

Happy birthday all day, Cheryl!

Place: LaTaix de Freire

Cast of familial characters:

Nurse Rachel, the two -ratchet’s ‘brother’ and his significant other, Adrienne, the professor, kids, grandkids, johnny, the gaming woman, ratchet’s son Johnny, and ratchets husband John

None of the characters’ s names aret actual, although the reality of the situation could be expected to be virtually reall ( on recall , in some future pasted recollection, -pasted or posted,-

I’m sure she would thank you she is not available at present, in fact she has not benn introduced, but must fly for so many preparations to be had

Have any of us ever really been introduced?

Just catching my breath between chores of shopping for birthday gift, finishing touches on the guest list seating, and worried about upcoming trips that some have to be informed, so leaving out no surprises, thinking maybe Sabine and Shirley knew each other in Koln if Sabine was really there one time.

But dropping that though, for having been recently promised by my high school friend David Nyo secure invitation from Martha, a queen bee salon planner, it did not arrive after all, and neither from David or his chums. Guess it’s off so is the midsummer class reunion in Minneapolis there.

Am I developing Scott phobia from the accursed short sightedness, spending too much time meditating by the tree at magic mountains magic garden, so into the natural habitat.

Mentioning here a ceratain countess always facing The Wall, while dining, and a certain Kosinski from Jersey who asked by his barber why he never looks at himself while having his hair cut, says because I am only too aware of what I’ll see there.

Bf Skunner too is a trip when he decided to dye his hair , he did it so gradually that his students living day to day in the now, never recollected his once greyness

But away hasten again after a cup of coffee and left over pie from Vegas.

We are all anticipated and thrilled immensely that Shirley party will go down flawlessly.

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It has come around to Shirley’s birthday again, and amazing we are her, now the emerald Buddha , in sight.

Understanding her, or boboy, sidekick, not The Boy by a long shot, but just another pres sumptious , or presumption on he thinks on a magical scale, participation, mystique, globally assumed so that the longer you stay still the more it’s mask becomes you.

Her birthday is magically an adherence to mime, rather mine, face it indulge in it, and course the
congrats Shirley!

No not really, at least not in this lifetime.
But working on it! She ain’t Simone, she is more flitting as butterfly!

on the 8th … at some point

She nodded in assent, that’s a sign of somthin’ dunno what she gets upset easy now!, especially she upset over her brother because of him playing childish games of thinking his best friend being put more attention on him, for this other guy, thinking him as polishing his apple more for the teach, and getting a charge out of it?

“How silly can you hit” her tone a deliberate angle of derision, you a grown man and everythin’, here you are, with your very life on the line?

Don’t you not think that is a reverse rial playing on your sensitivity’s? And you’re Fallon’ for it?

He reads more than you do, but he no saint either, so dish up, .

This time I’m surely not going to go to Hiroshima, min amour, do you even love me?

And as he protests, he knows she is right, why go there?

Didn’t H.Miller say , of Greece, there is no need to go there, Greece is almost the same climate and feel to it, why if you later out on the top of Griffith Park one gentle mid summer’s nights twilighted eve, where you can practically hear the expectin’ breeze cry for the season’s end, as many short lived follow each other vainly , as if such was meant for them, special, as proof of some sort?

No, chip’ don’t worry, Hiroshima is there, it always will be, we will return some other time, honey chile.

He stares at her in disbelief, as if having some kind of Jungian event, ….
I know having these episodes are prelude to something.