I was just wondering of how people felt about the United States’ policy to not negotiate w/ terrorists. Negotiations might be able to save a few lives, but is that worth letting the terrorists win?
No, Even though I do not like this new gulf war, I do stand by america’s desire to never sacrifice a greater good for one life(or more). Sadly if america gave in to threats alone, we would have to pack everything up because the streets would fill with crime. Infact it would be better from now on to send the army in like wacco and run over every terrorist that thinks he needs to wave a flag. It may be bullish. But nobody really likes to piss of a bull.
so what if the terrorists have a point? Ever seen “The Rock” I would have given the the money!
I would negotiate. You don’t really have to follow through with their demands. Just save the people and kill the terrorists. It would make it harder the next time to negotiate though.
Sadly there are 2 ways to get things done in this world
From the end of a Dollar Bill and from the end of a gun.
Yes this is true, as well as the following is true: “One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.”
I liked the way Putin handled the theater crisis. It could have dragged on for weeks, and highlighted badly the Russian situation in Chechnya, which would have been very bad for Russia. And all the time Putin would be humiliated. The terrorists were highly unstable, though I admire their goals and loathe the Russian atrocities in Chechnya, I also have to admire the way Putin handled it. He didn’t want to risk them blowing up the theater and took the controversial sledgehammer approach. This is what I would do. Almost 600 people were saved and an otherwise almost impossible situation was ended relatively quickly and cleanly. Now, it is a relatively minor blemish on his record and he is as strong as ever. The terrorists were frustrated and did not win any concessions. I say this is the way to deal with terrorists (though the hostage takers in this particular situation I would consider freedom fighters as well).
Absolutely. The US employed terrorists in Nicaragua in their destabilisation efforts.
The “war on terror” in Afghanistan may have furthered US interests:
None of the hijackers was from Afghanistan, and so far not a single person has stood trial for the crimes against humanity on 11-9-01. Yet within the day there were banners in NY telling Bush to declare ware on Afghanistan.
Any thoughts?