Should We Understand?

If we’re not meant to understand some things then why do we question so many of these things?

Zac, please give an example of something we are not meant to understand, but still question. This way we can all reply more directly.

Firstly though: who says we’re not meant to understand some things? Generally, knowledge brings progress (e.g. cancer research is bringing us closer to a cure), so it seems irrational to say that we should not seek to understand everything. This is where a more specific example would help me to respond, Zak. :wink:

Secondly, it is human nature to question our surroundings. If I am uncertain of my environment, it will cause anxiety. Thus is seems only natural that I look to question these uncertainties, and look for their answers. This will provide knowledge, and as stated above, should follow with progress.

(I will reply with a more in-depth message when you give me an example.)

Sorry i was unclear. From reading and posting on this forum and others ive heard some people say that there are some things that were not meant to understand or i should say incapable of understanding. Such as What is Real? and What came before Time? or Why do we exist or What is the meaning of life? I often ask these questions on forums like this and i almost allways get an answer for somone that says “we’re not meant to understand”

I hope i have clearifyed my question.

Perhaps it’s because we don’t have enough of a knowledge base to understand that type of question yet. Maybe it’s like asking the Ancient Greeks what causes the sky to be blue, it’s a pointless question cause they don’t really understand light at all. Just a suggestion though, I’m not sure how much I believe it myself.

Then again another thing could be, especially with a question like what came before time is that we have no possibility of ever understanding a question like that because we will never be able to comprhend the answer as we operate on the very idea of time and wouldn’t be able to understand something from the perspective of “without time”.