The human body is an instrument of vibrating frequencies of emotional magnitudes.
Receiving and sending information creates the brilliance that is cherished and known as the human experience.
Being active generates the energy and interactions which excite these emotional vibrations.
To maintain a closer level to the signal mean of the experience of being human that is not overpowered with a noise of scattered and disordered emotions, the amount of signal interaction can be reduced temporarily.
A metal pole that is a man’s height long and two fingers in diameter can be racketed upon a surface and with each strike it will increase in the amplitude deviation from the extended line of the wielder’s arm.
To bring the pole back to closer range with the extended line of the wielder’s arm, the pole must be racketed less upon the surface.
If the extended line of the wielder’s arm is represented by the value of three feet from the ground and the greatest height of the pole bent is five feet from the ground, then the amount of reverberation to the amount of actual movement of the arm’s position is a bit more than one and half feet.
With each successive pause from racketing the pole, an equal ratio of reverberating force still in the pole will be expended back across the pole without taking in further energy.
Eventually, the pole becomes closer to the three foot range and the wielder may once again specifically designate where to position the pole more exactly at the extended line from his arm.
Silence is a pause in which we gain the opportunity to reflect the energy of what we have experienced back upon ourselves so to expend the reverberations that we have created within our body from racketing ourselves through the experience of living as a human being, so that we can regain a greater nearness to our mean that is our heart of intention in specifically moving ourselves to our aims in the swinging of life.
However, the purpose of the metal pole is to be racketed upon the surface, so refraining from racketing indefinitely is to not use the pole for its functional use.
To accomplish a racketing that is controlled and yet still actively experienced in function, a frequency of interaction and refrain can be employed.
A pattern in a wave of repetition and rest can be used, a rhythm.
Unto like music and unto like that of breathing, life can be racketed upon even vigorously.
All that is required is an equally repeated accommodating rest to allow for the reverberating energy of living to expend itself through our bodies more thoroughly.
The ebb of living is silence.
And in giving to ourselves this ebb, we can continue to return the energy to the flow of our lives in directed and momentous related volume.