Matt and FM,
Thank you for your criticisms. I will respond to a few of them. I’m sure Moore has read Chomsky, but so what? Chomsky impresses some people (myself included) and pisses of others. I agree with a lot of what he says/writes but I doubt millions of people would pay to see him talk on the topics at hand. For that matter, FM, based on what I’ve seen HERE, if millions of people saw your thoughts on the topic, they WOULD end up storming somewhere, but not Washington
The fact is, Moore DID get millions of people to see the movie and to learn about things they had no idead about previously. Chomsky couldn’t get that done, you couldn’t, and few others could. Moore did. Yes, I already knew all of the things he presented in the movie, but that’s because I’ve read a variety of sources (I personally think he should have pushed the whole Palast-discovered Jeb Bush vote rigging conspiracy much more than he did); from what I heard, many “average Americans” had made no such effort and the facts or speculation presented in the movie was new to them. But his style GRABBED people to see the movie and to see these things. If you could do a better job, do it. Again, look at the success you’ve had in this forum, FM, before criticizing the guy for not covering the topics that you wanted him to cover or in the way you wanted him to do it.
As for the Saudi connection, from what I’ve read (including his “Dude…” book), it’s far more involved than you let on. And the fact that the big media aren’t chasing this down, even though many of them did report on it, should tell us something. So Moore doesn’t have all of the FACTS (or very few of them), but you give me enough convergent circumstantial evidence and I’m going to start to see possibilities. BTW, didn’t Moore clearly point out that the same players are involved in both Iraqi invasions? I was pretty sure he did (I know in his Dude book he did).
Yeah, the Bush sitting there for 7 minutes was kind of long and drawn out, but it also shows his lack of character (Bush’s). It also shows how the White House’s spin masters’ take on the situation (including when he first learned about the attacks and other facts covered elsewhere and MAYBE in the movie…gotta admit I forget what was in the movie vs all of the other relevant material I’ve seen) was b.s.
As for the mother whose son was killed? Her son enlisted to fight FOR A DIFFERENT REASON. He was SOLD A LIE, as were all Americans (and the world). Fuck, man, dozens (hundreds?) of soldiers are now fighting for their freedom b/c they enlisted under false pretenses, and now that they see they are being asked to slaughter innocent women and children (not to mention getting cut down in bulk numbers), they want OUT. One such soldier is in Canada trying not to get deported to face court martial. I personally applaud such soldiers. From what I’ve seen of their stories, they truly changed their mind after realizing that they were FOOLED and being asked to SLAUGHTER INNOCENT PEOPLE (probably not all, but some of your soldiers truly seem to have done this for said reason). THAT is what’s important about this mother. That and the fact that the fucking bitch (pardon the language) who chastized her for protesting the war without any sympathy after hearing that her son had been killed was a very powerful image (manipulative? Maybe, but the left needs someone to stand up to the O’Reilly’s who have no soul when they attack the son of that man killed on 9/11 and purport to speak for that man and say that the man would be ashamed of his son for WANTING PEACE and NOT WANTING HIS FATHER’S MEMORY TO BE HIJACKED BY PRICKS LIKE BUSH AND THE RABID RIGHT WINGERS).
And confronting the senators about enlisting their own kids? How is that NOT effective? These bastards are pushing to sucker (many) poor, uneducated kids to enlist with the hope that after slaughtering a few innocent people and maybe bombing a hospital or two, they can get an education that would otherwise be out of their reach (plus, they get paid better than at McDonalds, I think…not so sure about that one). So, if you are so certain that your call to murder is virtuous, get off your rich, spoiled, pampered, fat ass and do some of the killing YOURSELF! Oh, you’re too old? Okay, get your KIDS to do your dirty work. No? Didn’t think so…Brilliant, Moore, brilliant. Expose the hypocrites for what they are.
As for Bowling, yeah, it was a bit heartless to pester Moses like that. But then again, Moses has been pretty heartless in his refusal to make the streets a little safer for the children of America (though his editing was sleazy in that he made it look like Heston’s infamous speech came RIGHT AFTER the columbine shootings, when in fact it was just stock footage…).
I don’t know, Matt, but I don’t have a problem with Moore’s confrontational and sensational style. I personally think it’s a necessary antidote to the right-wingers who seem to have far better access to the general public ( provides more than ample evidence that the right wingers have totally brainwashed the public into believing in the “liberal media conspiracy” and has got away with saying the Left does ABC, when in fact the Right does EXACTLY ABC). The Left are pathetically unorganized and ineffective in many ways. They preach to the converted but seem unable to convert any middle dwellers. Moore will likely never convert any right wingers, but it looks as if he has moved many middle dwellers over to the left at least a little bit. Chomsky has not done that (I don’t think). Not even Gore Vidal has done that (another one of my heroes). They have many left-leaning fans but are just not “accessible” to many “average Americans.” Moore is.
Hey, on a personal level I think he’s a douche when he tries to pretend he’s still a “common man,” and he’s a douche for his misconstrual of Cuba, and he’s a douche for believing he’s the most important man on the planet (sorry…just played some South Park clips on my computer and have Parker and Stone’s fave word (douche) ringing in my ears). But I think he got more Americans (the rest of the world already seemed to know… ) to see something they hadn’t realized before re. just how duplicitous Bush and his cabal are, than any other person. I don’t see how the criticisms outweigh (no pun intended…sorry Moore…) what Moore did…
Just my thoughts…of course it doesn’t mean my points are any more or less valid than your points, Matt and FM…