I think I’ve already descovered the christians. anything else here? pagans? jews? buddhist? hindu? muslim? etc?
buddhist/taoist and I welcome all other ideas
There’s been more then one “what religion are you” thread already.
Just so you know.
Dust & Ashes wouldn’t have seem them all yet because he’s just freshly arived.
By the way, a warm welcome to you, D&A.
Dan, I have a question. Why is that you always use "then’ when you actually mean “than”? No offense, just curious
I never knew “than” was a word…
Thanks for teaching me something new today.
sorry. just trying to get to know the board.
I’ll just look around for the other thread.
then relates to time: he did this then he did that.
than is a comparison: he was more aware than his brother.
I consider myself Christian, but have my own, personal belief system.
I also rarely defend Christianity on philosophical matters. I don’t think it’s possible to, and I don’t think that’s the point of being Christian.
thank you!
many people have said welcome and I havn’t said anything back.
so thank you, peoples.
I’m gonna go get a glass of water. water is good.
kick ass.
Religious nomad. Inclination towards Eastern thought I would suppose. Just wish others would admit that there is no single truth that we can find.
That is about all.
Calathumpian here.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_% … ual_use%29
Religious nomad. Inclination towards Eastern thought I would suppose. Just wish others would admit that there is no single truth that we can find.
God’s good herbs.
LOL not a smoker but appreciate the humor.

LOL not a smoker but appreciate the humor.
Yeah. Some religions still have the use of bong & shrooms in the rituals, y’u know.
Gotta warp that mind before you get access to God.
I label myself as a Christian. In practice, I fall far short of being a Christian. I rarely attend church. I assosciate with homosexuals. I have this bad habit - its called objectification of women. I occasionally use profanity. I dont really read the Bible very much anymore like i am supposed to. There is just something about reading the same book over and over that doesnt “click” in my mind. My personal belief is that God exists despite my shortcomings. Basically, I dont feel qualified to judge anyone else because I am so messed up.
raised mormon
now I get inspiration from the tao.
I welcome all ideas that promote happiness and harmony and that does not warp your brain from understanding those with completely different ideas.
My sacrament is music and nature, and sometimes beer and cigarettes. Yes, I live in Idaho. =D>

I label myself as a Christian. In practice, I fall far short of being a Christian. I rarely attend church. I assosciate with homosexuals. I have this bad habit - its called objectification of women. I occasionally use profanity. I dont really read the Bible very much anymore like i am supposed to. There is just something about reading the same book over and over that doesnt “click” in my mind. My personal belief is that God exists despite my shortcomings. Basically, I dont feel qualified to judge anyone else because I am so messed up.
you seem alright to me, though I don’t really know you . . .but, it seems like you treat others well. no one knows all the answers all the time. . . . Actually no one ever knows all the answers all the time.

I label myself as a Christian. In practice, I fall far short of being a Christian. I rarely attend church. I assosciate with homosexuals. I have this bad habit - its called objectification of women. I occasionally use profanity. I dont really read the Bible very much anymore like i am supposed to. There is just something about reading the same book over and over that doesnt “click” in my mind. My personal belief is that God exists despite my shortcomings. Basically, I dont feel qualified to judge anyone else because I am so messed up.
theres nothing wrong with associating with homosexuals. I have a few close friends who are flamboyantly bi. I don’t condon the lifestyle and they know that, but we get along fine. I kind of worry about one of them though…he never did get himself tested for HIV and it’s very possible he could have it. :-/
anyway, we all have our issues and temptations. What matters is are you willing to change in order to better yourself? you don’t have to answer that, it’s between you and God. I’m just voicing my opinion.
if your interested, theres this really cool book I just finished reading. it’s called Blue Like Jazz by a guy named Donald Miller. fabulously awesome book. I highly recommend it to anyone, christian or not, but it is a christian book. I fell in love with the narrator/author within the first chapter.
sirswedishmike, I’m not sure which I’m more scared about, mormonism, or taoism. haha. I have a mormon penpal that I talk/write to a lot. right now he’s on a misson trip in Russia. I find the religion facinating, but theres a lot in it that really kind’a creeps me out.
I know very little about taoism, but it’s something that I don’t think I’d ever mess around with for personal reasons.
sirswedishmike, I’m not sure which I’m more scared about, mormonism, or taoism. haha. I have a mormon penpal that I talk/write to a lot. right now he’s on a misson trip in Russia. I find the religion facinating, but theres a lot in it that really kind’a creeps me out.
I know very little about taoism, but it’s something that I don’t think I’d ever mess around with for personal reasons.
I am not mormon anymore, don’t worry about it buddy.
and taoism, you say you know little about it, but that you wouldn’t mess around with it. hmm, That sounds a little odd. Why don’t you just read the short little book, “tao te ching.” (here is the whole text online thetao.info/english/english.htm )that will tell you exactly what most taoists think, that way you would at least understand it some more before you decide your opinion about it.