I explained exactly why I think what I think, of which you have no rebuttal. You have no rebuttal because it is correct, which leaves you incorrect.
Kind of hard to argue with the truth. But you have your “authority figures” to look up to and be faithful. I guess that’s something, but certainly not something I want. I want the truth, which doesn’t involve ass-kissing authority figures.
It’s amusing that that’s somehow your takeaway from what I said
You’re still not asking me “flannel, why do you think what you think”. You’re so very focussed only on what motor Daddy thinks.
I specifically asked you for YOUR position and you refused to explain. Your reply was to Google it. You aren’t interested in communicating your thoughts to me, you would rather Google to see what others think about the matter.
You know my position, I made it clear in my first post. I didn’t ask you to Google my position, I asked you to go find out what the standard answer is. I want you to know what the standard answer is. You don’t have to agree with it, but you should know what it is. If you don’t understand what people think, how can you disprove what they think?
I already know what they think, that if it’s rotating it is not inertial. That is WRONG!
Wonderful, I’m really glad that you can acknowledge what they think.
The next step, if you want to make any progress at all, is for you to show some kind of intellectual curiosity into WHY they think what they think.
If you can’t acknowledge that they are wrong then there is no point understanding why. You can’t even admit that they are wrong, you want to disregard that and move on to try to justify their incorrect use of the terms. You want to try to justify their mistake which can not be justified given the fact that a shaft spinning a constant 2,000 RPM is in fact inertial, which they (you) deny.
There’s no point in you understanding why every physicist accepts that rotating reference frames are not inertial. Okay. That’s the sort of mind set that will change absolutely 0 minds. You want to rant about what you think and why you think it, but you don’t want to understand why experts all disagree with you. Seems like a dead end to me, but you do you.
It only takes one proof that they are wrong and I’ve already given you one. When you can explain to me why a shaft spinning at a constant 2,000 RPM is not inertial then we can look further. Until then you’ve been shown why you’re wrong and you have no rebuttal except to continue to claim your heroes don’t use it that way. That’s not a valid reason why they are correct. Continuing to claim the same nonsense after you’ve been shown to be incorrect is borderline delusional.
You want people to listen to what you think, but not even attempt to understand what other people think. Relativity is accepted by the physicists of the world, and if everyone who denies relativity attempts to understand it as little as you do, it will stay that way. Your ideas will be lost, disregarded as the ramblings of someone who never even tried to understand physics.
Until they can use terms with their standard meaning they are not worth listening to. Do you want to try to understand what I mean when I claim 100 MPH is slower than 25 MPH and 10 MPH is faster than 60 MPH? Why waste time with someone’s nonsense of incorrect use of terms.
Oh, it’s because some famous person’s theory claims in their theory that 100 MPH is slower than 2 MPH. Got it. (rolls eyes)
That’s a shame, I actually had a pretty good explanation (but long, and it would take me producing lots of images) ready to go. Anyway, best of luck to you.
Physicists have hit a brick wall with their nonsense Relativity because you can only stack shit so high before it crashes down. They’ve long since exceeded that point. Now the only thing left to do is to keep making more excuses for their old BS or admit they were full of shit to begin with. It makes one wonder how long they can keep pushing their BS until people throw rotten tomatoes at them. Nobody is throwing rotten tomatoes at church so I guess it can carry on for thousands of years. Sooner or later they will be exposed for the fraudsters that they are, even if they are long since passed. Will we ever get an admission that Relativity was BS? Not likely, they will just sweep it under the rug and pretend they never agreed with it in the first place.