Well Gamer, I suppose your characterizations are valid, well, as far as the motives you ascribe to me are valid. I could tell you what I believe my motives are, or we could rely on your Oprah-esque pop psychology narrative. Personally, having read enough of Psyque’s posts, I don’t really care for a return to that style of argument. All sizzle, no steak.
What if I were to tell you that I actually have a shrine in my abode so as to facilitate worship of the Truth. And that, at one time, in the distant past, I would print up some of the material here and burn it on that shrine, as an offering to that terrible God.
But you know Truth, of course you do, you have admitted that you try to avoid it on a constant basis. The Truth is a petty and hungry God. It was not sated by the material here. And no matter what I might offer, how many pages upon pages of sublime beauty I might set ablaze, the Truth always wanted more.
Not that I go unrewarded by this entire process. Firstly, depending upon the poster, some offerings would release the most fragrant aroma… a blend of lilacs, pine-sol, and gunpowder. But sometimes, all that would remain was the smell of bullshit.
You know that smell don’t you? The odor of evacuated bovine bowels. Since it originates, in its final form, from within the self, its is, in some way, a representation of the self. This subjective substance could sometimes be imbued with bits of corn… kernels of truth if I might be permitted an atrocious pun. But even this did not change the fact that is was, is, and always will be… bullshit.
Now of course, you being intimately familiar with the Truth, or at least, the avoidance thereof, you know full well that bullshit is anathema to Truth.
So, as the bullshit at this site grew, the angrier the Truth became. This continued on for quite some time, until, finally, the Truth manifest itself to me in a vision. You will be happy to know that the Truth appears exactly like Winona Ryder clutching a stolen eight hundred dollar hand bag. The large, dark, liquid eyes, the innocent smile, the elfin ears, yep… Winona Ryder.
Winona, pardon, I mean the Truth, stared at me in quiet contemplation before speaking aloud in the voice of Universal Certainty. You know what Universal Certainty is, don’t you Gamer? It is that tone you attempt to mimic when you want to feign sincerity.
Anyway, the Truth spoke, and her words reverberated throughout my soul.
No, I will not relay the message to you. It would be pointless to do so, because the message is spoken in words only discernable to the individual that the Truth addresses. Suffice it to say the message contained an abundance of adverbs… which was upsetting, as one would expect the Truth to be heard in more concrete terms.
Regardless, I do not question the Truth, I exist now only as an extension of its will. As such, my mission here is simple, to eliminate the bullshit that clutters these forums and help restore content that actually is interested in the Truth.
Now, I admit my bias here, as part o my faith, I believe that bullshit is bad, and Truth is good. I understand that some here might not feel this way, and honestly,. this is the best explanation as for not only the content of their posts, but also the personas they adopt whilst posting here.
You understand personas don’t you, Gamer? Are you not also intimate with inherently false personas? You probably know that creating a lie and pretending something that is not the Truth only can serve in furtherance of more Bullshit. I say this because every post you have made here always was written with a self referent, and when that self is a staged, phony creation crafted to inact particular responses, well… whew… I smell more bullshit.
But this is not to say that you and I operate at cross purposes. I suppose I could ignore your bullshit, pretend that it doesn’t exist, and carry on about my business.
But then, dearest Gamer, I too would be lying. If I were to pretend to be someone who didn’t care about Truth, and didn’t mind bullshit, I would not be myself. I would be… you.
Perhaps this expalins why so many narcissistic creatures here were drawn to Dunamis. What prize is greater than turning the object of admiration into one’s self. All the better to fuck one’s self with… on a steaming pile of bullshit no less. After all, it isn’t homosexual sex if it is just masturbation.
Me, I go to porn sites to masturbate. I have never found anything erotic about text, feces, or myself. I suppose that if I could fuck anyone, it would be Winona Ryder… and that’s the truth.
But enough about the seedy side of ILP.
I never mentioned Dunamis for the simple fact that by posting here, implicit in that act, he agreed to abide by the rules. Violation of these rules results in a just punishment.
So, before we go spreading anymore bullshit about, know that this has nothing to do with Dunamis, except that his bannishment presented an opportunity to raise an issue I felt was, and still is, unsettled and that, furthermore, is quite central to my being here.
Truth… and Bullshit.
To me, this is all very black and white. There remain those who seek the Truth here, in whatever voice it speaks to them, and there are those who only desire to parcel out bullshit.
Those interested in truth should stay, and the bullshit artists should go. That is my mission.
And my standards are exact, though I admit my methods are vulgar. And in this I encourage my own bannishment if, for no other reason, perhaps my sacrifice will at last placate the Truth.
Now, you can feel free to blame all of this on my wacky childhood, space aliens, or whatever. But know that within this post is, as best as I can render it, the Truth as I understand it… at least in regards to myself and ILP. Yes, Truth comes with qualifiers, as always there exists a specific context in which the Truth operates. In this case, I am replying to a self admitted bullshitter left askance by a simple request for the Truth.