soul weight

So, it seems to me that the soul animates the body.
But once the body dies, the task of animating it is over.
The amount of energy it took to maintain a body,
is now free to do other things. It can take on new
weights. Other things it can take on have no weight.

This came to me a little while ago.

It was part of the answer i got from asking what we will loose when we die.

21 grams. There was a famous study done in the early 20th century that concluded that all souls are 21 grams. I personally don’t believe in souls, I believe what we know as souls is just the directed energy of the body. And as we already know, E = mc2, so energy is in fact, mass in motion. I consider myself a monist. When the body dies so does the 21 grams of energy, until we can find some way of storing that energy for later purposes if accidents occur, well after we already become biologically immortal. Yes, I believe physical immortality is possible, but such a feat won’t happen for a very long time.

The weight is relative to the proportion of what has been gained or /and reversely to what has been lossed.

The immense proportion when either gains or looses more or less than what has been bargained fir , increases or decreases the odds of finding out what chances of recovery there is to sustain that level of awareness of what’s in stake.

And what’s in stake is the attainment of some kind of zero sum equilibrium, so that things can go as if nothing (NOTHING)’has changed.

Much continuum is the condition of realizing eternal life:

On the other hand , cut versions may be disproportionate to easier access, that may become disproportionally difficult.

Intuition may gain quick entry, albeit at a remarkable rise in offset prize,?not a few can even begin to afford