Southern California up in Flames!!!

So today I wake up to the sounds of a Marine pounding on my door. Today happens to be a Sunday and I really don’t like the idea of anybody trying to wake me up when I don’t have to. It didn’t even occur to me that less than a mile from the base there was an inferno happening that could easily belong to a biblical prophesy.

I’m just wondering if anybody else that was here in SoCal during this madness can post their side of the story. I was in New York during Sept. 11th and I know the madness that happened there. This is pretty bad in my eyes. I already know of someone who’s entire house, their home and all their material possessions, burned down in ashes. Nothing you can do, but watch. This raises concerns and questions in my eyes.

smooth, today made me put things in a whole new perspective…

as i walked out of my room this morning, i was in for a shcok. i was really freaked that, when i looked up, the sun was nothing more than a bloody spot in the sky.

last night, i went to a country dance club, stampedes. a long night of fun, and the next morning i find that peoples lives are almost completely ruined. as i was forced to consider what i was to take and leave behind i learned something new about myself. the only thing that i even thought of carrying along were some old books and my leather jacket. forget the guitar and the new laptop. it amazed me on how a military life has unmaterialized me. i have learned to place values in other things

fortunately it hasnt come to evacuation on our part. i hope that i can help others though. i am certain that i will sacrifice my time set aside for my family to help here before i go to japan…

I really like your Ambrose Bierce quote in your signature!

As you were…

thanx gadfly

and in regards to your qoute, i would like to share a famous cadence

i dont like to post my psycho marine corps bullcrap, but i thought in this case was apropriate. (pardon my foul language)


I don’t like posting my Marine brainwashing propaganda either, but I love it. On Sunday, when I thought that the entire base was going to burn down, I had to quickly choose what it was what I wanted to keep. I just put all my books, journals and notebooks, a few disks and that was it. No labtops, no clothes or pictures. I feel terrible for the people that really cared about their material possessions in a time like this. They not only lost their homes, but what they considered their lives. The military has made me very unmaterilistic.

Check out this pic that Obscure put up. I don’t know how to put a link inside a word. You know what I mean? I think it is called a hyperlink. Instead of me putting the entire url as I did below, I see some people just write a smaller word and when you click that word, you can go to the site. Can anybody help me out?

It takes a little while for the pic to load up.

I’ve often wondered how to do that too (with the urls)…

I never thought of how unmaterialistic i was while in the Navy, but in retrospect, it is very true. I find that the less i possess, generally, the happier i am.

That picture! Holy sht, Hll on earth!

oooh, wait until I get to my room! I’ll not only email you my next move in our game, I’ll see if I could email you a bunch more. Crazy.

It does seem that the less you own, the more happier you get.

honestly i stole that from yahoo. shame shame. im not sure but yahoo may have some more. my buddy took some pics but i havent uploaded them yet…

Smooth you mean this

link text

Smooth it’s done like this

you need a ] after it
then your text, ie “link text”
and finally end with prefix the link with

and it’s as easy as that!! :wink:

This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual link you would have been advised via clipper chip. look up words here Holy llama shit Batman, it works! Thank You!


now my plot to take over Haiti is well under way!!!

I wonder if it would work for pics?

maybe that is too big, or wrong, let me try this

let me try that pic thing again. This time not a bmp.

this is the coolest thing. I’m trying to play around with html.


or what about ILP.Com

Smooth, you have too much time on your hands…

That is either a sign of some effective time management skills being put to excellent use, or the fact that I am an insomniac with no life. I’m not sure which one it is yet.

By the way, that chess game is giving me a migrane. You did the one move I was hoping you weren’t going to play!!

I sleep too much. I spent a lot of time mulling over f6, nothing else seems to work.

re-reading the last few post I read when Marshall wrote that I have too much time on my hands. I have been told that a lot recently. I happen to have a rubberband ball that I have been working on for the past six months. It is the size of a basketball/volleyball. H U G E.

I need a life.

Someone said, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans…”

Tell me about it. It is sort of depressing when you sit down and really think about it. I recently saw The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise, and I thought it was an awesome period peice of late 19th century Japan. I bring this up because the ancient Samurai Code of Ethics was very strict and honorable. Not worrying too much in making plans for the future, but instead of perfecting the living of the present, the only present we have!

Click to see a picture of the rubber band balls

I find creating these balls very relaxing. But I’m a weird little nerd. My balls (rubber ones) aren’t as big as those, but mine are impressive. (the rubber ones)