First I suppose my great Aunt was a big influence on me. She was Methodist and someone who had a different approach to life than I had known until then. She was kind and generous to all people and always was, which was how I believed Christ was.
Second, my Army Pastor adressed the issue of Religion in a very novel way (for me then) and was unabashedly a Christian of a similiar sort to my great Aunt. At least he got me thinking about what seems to embaress us when showing commitment to a cause that only a few support.
Third, the German Pastor that married my wife and I had a few things to say that were quite helpful and started me unwittingly back off on the road to faith. I grabbed a Bible and was determined to prove that it was a lot of rubbish, but I couldn’t. I suddenly realised how the Bible connects and got away from the face value approach.
Fourth, Erich Fromm started me thinking about the social aspects of Religion, I read so many of his books that I saw Jesus, Buddha, Meister Eckhardt, numerous AT Prophets all in the light of Psychoanalysis and was deeply motivated.
Fifth, I brushed an evangelical group who taught me to preach and I spent some time looking at their approach, but was mostly involved with Youth Work. It was practical Christianity that was important then.
Sixth, a very simple kind of German village Pastor impressed me with his down to earth approach to life, his modest conversations with me and his commitment. The meaning of Community became important.
Seventh, I trained as a male nurse and started working in old peoples homes. I discovered how much intuition I had, saw how people died, tried to comfort the relatives of the departed, spoke with colleagues about the distress they were holding out. I discovered what spiritual advice entailed.
Eigth, I became a Care-Manager with responsibility for the residents and the workers. Discovered methods of relaxation and returned back to Meister Eckhardt via some books of a German Theologian, Jörg Zink. I discovered what value personal peace has.
Ninth, I started reading Jewish books about Christianity and Religion, and discovered what we have been missing and why so many things seem contadictory. I also read James Carrols book “Constantine’s Sword” and was shocked at the dimension of antisemitism within the church.