SSB(god) and the Origin of Life

Time for another god thing. I will start off very directly. I believe that life on earth originated without the SSB(sentient supreme being) having anything to do with that process.

This SSB says you’re probably right or wrong. And in this case, even wrong would be right. Happy to help, the always smiling and ever kewl jonquil. :sunglasses:

jonquil likes SSB’s here:

which one are you jonquil my goddess.

Merci, mon petit. Je suis le photographe!

Voir le jonquille l’appareil-photo ici.:

some day ----------------

science will be able to create a form of primitive life in the laboratory. no god involved.

And maybe it will be the virus that kills us all.

phyllo it wouldnt be a virus. it would be something more primitive and simple but it could reproduce.

no god-----------

involved in the origin of life.

omg how would this be possible.

ok let us say that the god(SSB) intelligently directed the development of life on earth.


isnt there anyone out there that believes that the SSB god created life on earth.
the sentient supreme being(SSB) god.

Where are the theists when you need them, huh Turtle :unamused:


…reminds me of the time I had a brain-wave right in the middle of my confirmation field-trip one sunny Spring day nearly three decades ago now… when I said to the priest that god didn’t exist and that the bible was just a story written to teach us but not to be taken literally #-o Never have I changed my mind so quickly when the priest pointed out that if I didn’t take the bible literally I wouldn’t get confirmed, and the thought of my parents flipping out at me was the trigger that made me veer back to ‘literal’. :laughing:

Forced to believe… can you believe that! sheesh [-(