StarCraft: Terran History

[size=75]This being my 500th post, I thought I’d do something special.[/size]

I was sorting through some old stuff, looking for my old StarCraft game book to clarify my memory on the possible future the guys at Blizzard had in mind for mankind. In the back of the book, there are three seperate writings detailing the past history of the Terrans, Zerg, and Protoss. Aside from these writings being pretty good pieces of science fiction storytelling, they also layout several points of how a certain kind of society works out.

The following is a compilation of selected, and sumerized, excerpts from the TERRAN HISTORY:


Radical new tech allows even the most destitute to access anything in the computer world. (fixed this point in edit)

Communism is eradicated, nuclear weapons in abundance.

Third-world countries rise to challenge the economic and military might of the super-powers.

Cybernetics, cloning, and gene-splicing rise. Religious fundies challenge the rights of corporations to capitalize on such things.

World population estimated at 23 billion while polution rises and natual resources fall.

Religious fudies commit terrorists acts against corporations.

The media fucks things up even more.

The result is international pandemonium.

The United Powes League (UPL) is founded on Nov. 22, 2229. Based on ‘enlightened socialism,’ but resorted to fascist actions to achieve public order. The UPL has a belief in the supposed ‘divinity of mankind.’

The UPL encompases controls close to 93% of the world population.

South American countries resist control. (Drug cartels, go figure.)

Racism eliminated. (That’s nice, eh?)

Banning of world religions. (Shit, 'bout time…)

English becomes the standard spoken world language.

UPL belief calls for elimination of non-vital prosthetics or mutations to maintain the purity of the human blood-strain. The belief concludes that drugs, cybernetics, and gene-splicing lead to the fall of humanity.

The UPL sets loose: Project Purification.

The genocidal crusade acts like Hitler’s dream, eliminating dissidents, hackers, synthetics, cyborgs, tech-pirates (and butt pirates), and criminals of all kinds. Resulting deaths estimated at 400 million. (Not bad for a world population of 23 billion.)

UPL media kept things under wrap.

Reopening of the space program once abandoned by American and Russian governments due to bad budgets and political sabotage.

Perfection of cryogenics and warp-drive technology. (wheee!)

UPL succeeded in colonizing the Moon and other planets in 40 years. (yay!)


this sounds like a contradiction. by ‘everything’ do you mean information about everything? or every resource like food and happiness? seems like we have the former today and the latter would solve all problems forever

i think modifying our bodies would also accomplish that. as long as dna is still used for reproduction and diversity is maintained, i see no potential problems.

Actually, I should reiterate that to how the book said it:
(It’s bad enough that I overgeneralized that statement…)

“Radical new technologies technologies were surfacing at increadible rates, offering increased access to advanced computers and informational databases to even the most destitute nations of Earth.”

Personally, I am in favor of dna manipulation up to the point of eliminating genetic fallacies that would have been passed onto you by your parents such as a disease or potential ailment.

Glasses, contacts, and ocular surgery would be a thing of the past.

hopefully al queda currently has enough money to afford netzero. or else they are pathedic and dont know about a lot of terrorism opportunities that they have missed out on.

and also, i think a LOT of things should be fixed by genetic manipulation. namely, all of those things that make normal sheep inferior to me.

You are reading this post because I felt like reviving a dead thread …muwahahah! :evilfun:

I’m glad you did though… I remember reading those things back in like grade 8 and not being able to put them down.

I also enjoyed the way those blizzard masters of video games took on the future problem they set up for the game to take place in.

It’s interesting because as much as I talk about illuminati type stuff… perhaps a total takeover is what is actually needed… Recall a “Johnny Neumonic” if you’ve seen it… the future they live in is so polluted by technology it’s self… they need to go back to low tech just to stay alive. If you’re smart enough… and you have some reasources, you can crack into alot of places and get alot of things… this lack of security will surely lead to a chaotic future.

I don’t know if you remember the scene for the expansion pack where the general is up on the battlecruiser… watching the humans below getting overrun by the zerg… a very powerful scene, quite advanced for it’s time… be it a lucky fiction or not.

Anyways… I can’t remember the story well enough but I just wanted to say this is probably one of my favorite threads I’ve encountered at ILP so far… I really wanna play starcraft now lol

Heh… I feel so fortunate sometimes having kept those game books all these years.

That movie was so cool when it came out, and some parts were so funny. Keanu Reeves as Johnny Mnemonic with a cybornetic brain implant that allowed him to download computer memory into his cortex - and he still couldn’t act better. I give my hand up to Dolph Lundgren in that movie who played a cybornetically enhanced “Street Preacher” who went around crucifying people at the behest of the word of god. The funny part was he kept coming back… I can’t remember how many times they killed him but he was The Techno Jesus in that movie… When applied to this thread, we can think of this movie being a scenario of the world right before the “New World Order” comes to clean it up…

Most of that cinematic was Blizzard’s fling at showing off how damn good they were with CGI work. No really, when that expansion came out, that really was the best there was out there at the time. Not just in graphical quality, but in directing, dialogue, and of course… the music.

Thanks Gobbo… I wish I spent more time on it. I was initially going to post the entire background story supplied by the game book, but decided to do summerized points instead. I didn’t think it would pick up at the time when I posted it, and it didn’t really.

Yeah it’s sort of a hit and miss thread… but good none the less.

Yeah, that’s how I felt about it… at least it gets people thinking about it.

Did you play some StarCraft yet? Heheheh… :evilfun:

No… I need to get the CD from my brother.

Once I start playinng some golemz in use map settings… it’s gonna be over.