whats the deal with this topic? there are alot of positive outcomes from this reseach, yet at the same time there are ethical issues: killing babies. So which side has the greater importance, in which we should direct most of our attention towards? Which outweighs which?
well killing fetuses has been ruled to be ok by this little tiny group of people, i dont know if anti-stem-cellers have heard of them, i think they are called the… supreme court?
so we kill fetuses and thanks to the wonderful christian religion, the elixir that permeates their corpse is thrown in the trash with the rest of them.
who is more important to the world, a fetus who has done nothing and has proven to be a worthwhile as either einstein or hitler, or somebody with a stem-cell curable disease who is loved by many people who dont want him to die.
if you had to choose between your wife or a fetus? or a hundred fetuses? i know what id pick. how is it not that simple, christians.
I am totally pro-choice, and pro-stem cell research.
But to play devil’s advocate, and to furthur this conversations, i throw you the main Christian argument.
Your taking away a life that ‘God’ created.
In my opinion, i see no harm in researching a dead fetus. We research corpses, perform autopsies, exhume the mummies of pharoahs long dead just to study theie bone structure and what-not. And i have never heard of a christian complain about a team of scientists performing tests on mummies from some lost century. So why complain when we are studying a dead inanimate object on a cellular level?. I know not. Those christians man. Hey-diddily-hey there Homer-ino. ::sigh::
Hi young one,
The deal with this topic is that it may matter morally and effectually from where you get the stem cells: from embryos, the placenta, or even from adult humans. Many of us are fussy about using early stages of human life and eliminating them to try to help other people. I have also heard that embryonic stem cells mutate too easily, so the results are not as good as those gotten by using adult stem-cells. (I imagine if you got the adult stem cells from the person you intended to treat there would also probably have less chance of rejection.)
So the key phrase is “embryonic” or “adult” – neither of which were mentioned in the media in CA during a campaign to de-fund adult stem cell research and spend 3 BIL $ on embryonic stem cell research.
Does that help?
un chevalier mal fet
The main question should be, is an embryo deprived of a woman’s uterus considered and/or has the same rights of a Human being?
Why must everything be measured in terms of “the human being”? So, I say embryos are not human being, but they are a class of their own. And so are animals. Does it mean that these two classes do not get their own rights? Let us have some rights for the embryos not accorded to human beings.
Btw, how come no one is crying foul when it comes to fertility clinics. Here are two main transgressions they are committing:
It takes more than one, two, three, or more tries before a woman could have an embryo that would be successful. Those tries mean they have to keep trying to form embyos and throwing them away when they are deemed not viable to full development. But correct me if I’m wrong on this one.
Being infertile is a condition that should best be avoided. Fertility clinics are bypassing this condition, NOT curing it. So, in the end, are we not handing down this condition and proliferating it when women who could not have kids are having them. Are they not passing on this condition to their children? Again, any correction on this issue is appreciated.
That is a good question Raymond. In comparison to an embryo and a fully grown person is completely different from eachother. One has developed abilities and skills towards this initial stage in a grown life, thus making it more important than a fetus. But then we all started out as fetuses, so logically doesnt that give a fully grown fetus(us) and a few days-old fetus, the same rights of a Human being?
A big problem I see with killing embryos is that the potential life they kill could have found a cure/solution to th disease/condition that the embryo was killed for in the first place. Stem cell research is almost a temporary solution with a high cost. Now, I have heard of research in an area of stem cell research that does not even use an embryo, instead they take stem cell like cells from specialized cells in organs.
A lot of people here, and a hell of a lot of people in the United States, are under the misapprehension that pregnant women go through some thought process along the lines of “Well, I was going to have this baby, but now that I hear they can use stem cells to cure all human suffering, I’ll get an abortion.” This is so ridiculous as to be… well, worthy of ridicule. The fetuses are already aborted. Nobody gets an abortion for the purpose of donating stem cells to research, they get abortions for the purpose of not contributing a poorly-raised child to the population of criminals, drug addicts, psychos, and TV preachers.
We are prohibiting the already dead fetuses from being utilized for some better purpose.
That is both stupid and criminal, whether you think a fetus is a person or not.
are you saying that its a crime to NOT utilize already dead fetus? Logically this could be the better alternative because you are making the most of the situation. If the mother is going to have an abortion anyways(not because she wants to donate the fetus to stem cell research), she might as well give it to researchers for stem cell.
(reponse to tufnut2crack)
Accessing stem cells from other subects besdies fetuses, is not very effective. Stem cells have a higher rate of surving if it is taken from fetuses.
But everything else is left to the ethical
issues(and that is murder) Whats the difference between killing YOUR fetus and killing a complete stranger’s child(an age) to utilize the organs for donation?
no, you can use all the fetuses you want… the research is not illegal…
the government is simply not paying for it…
spend your own money on stem cell research…