Yes we should help broarden the understanding of issues to a wider audience
Philosophy and the social sciences are complex areas. Texts can be confusing and ambiguous to students trying to come to grips with some of the arguments and ideas presented for the first time.
Why not have an area where students can feel that they can ask non-high brow questions to people who already know the ropes.
Many will have learned to ride a bicycle with dad holding onto saddle after all.
It’s a good idea, but one which depends on the particpation of those which have studied, and those willing to learn. It would be interesting to take your suggestion one step further and create a group which agrees to devout a significant amount of time to a free discourse on the contents of a single book.
I think it would be extremely interesting if something like that occured.
I think your idea is a benign one, but I believe that the way in which we deal with each other in terms of teaching, providing resources, links, references, etc — is telling of a broad perspective in which we are all learning and teaching each other all the time. I fear that creating an area simply for students would do nothing more than create a hierarchy which could easily lead to animosity. Like Marshall stated, many of us are students, including moderators…and I’m not sure if Ben (admin) is still a student.
My point is simply this, if there is something you want to learn…simply ask. Private Message someone whom you think has experience in the topic. Make a thread asking a question or simply pertaining to your topic of interest.
you could establish as part of the structure of such a student area a certification process and set up a faculty to tutor in philosophy and political theory - probably also religion too. Just A thought
This suggestion is in conflict with rule iii of the forum rules/guidelines/laws;
But I voted yes. A student area sounds to me like a good idea. ‘Homework questions’ could bring up good topics. And wannabe philosophers (like me) could have there part on whats being discussed in the college rooms.
He’s right. It’s against the rules, and changing the rules requires a 95% vote and the forefingers of two moderators. Just kidding! As Magius echoed, management has hitherto been opposed to heirarchial changes which could lead to animosity.
Concordant. We will be opening up a book club in the creative writing forum soon. Look for details to arrive in the the daily news. But the selection of the book will be voted on.
I voted yes in the hope that it will filter people who are just learning into fewer forums, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in the others, while providing a charged environment for people just bashing out ideas and wanting feedback.
But less seriously I think it may be worthwhile to consider the rating of postings and posters, and a thread as a whole, (but this may not be possible with the software used here). It may lead to more and better focus on quality, which is the moderators’ intent in this forum.