Summum Bonum: the highest good… especially as the
ultimate goal according to which values and priorities
are established in a ethical system…
to denote the fundamental principle on which some system
of ethics is based- that is, the aim of actions, which, if
consistently pursued, will lead to the best possible life…
There have been many suggestions to what constitute
the Summum Bonum… the search for happiness,
the search for knowledge, the search for our modern trinkets,
of money, of fame, of material possessions, of power…
vita contemplativa, vita activa… which includes work…
at least according to Arendt…the seeking of god,
and inclusion into heaven…
each of these at one time or another has been brought up
as Summum Bonum… but the simply knowledge that
not one of these has been chosen as the ‘‘ONE’’ path
to Summum Bonum, suggests that we are not on the right path…
the lack of universal assent to any one of these suggests the
failure of them to satisfy our needs and wants…
One of the problems with making one particular statement
such as making happiness as the Summum Bonum, is that
at different times in our lives, both individually and collectively,
we seek different things… or to put it another way,
if we seek what the heart wants, the heart wants what it wants,
but that often changes, what my heart wants today is different than
it wanted 10 years ago… or 50 years ago…
our ever-changing environment changes what is the ‘‘good life’’
for us… what was the ‘‘good life’’ at age 25, is vastly different
than what is the ‘‘good life’’ today at 65…it is rather hard to
pin down what the ‘‘good life’’ is, if it is constantly changing…
But another brick in the wall in this matter is the pressure
of the society/state on what the ‘‘good life’’ looks like…
in our capitalistic world, the ‘‘good life’’ looks like
a well paying job with a house in the burbs, a spouse,
two car garage, white picket fence with two kids and
a dog named spot… this is what ‘‘happiness’’ is supposed
to look like in our capitalistic world…
But this belief is uprooted by our modern day discontent and the
malaise that surrounds us like a deep fog in the morning…
if the capitalistic vision of the ‘‘good life’’ is right, then why is
there so much discontentment in modern day America?
Why is drug use so prevalent? Why the need for addictions
if we are so content with our modern day ‘‘good life’’ as
presented by capitalism?
and what about other routes to the ‘‘good life’’… perhaps
we should seek out our happiness? but again, that leads us
too much failure… for what makes us happy? Frankly,
who knows… it changes by the day…and once we reach
what we thought was our chance at happiness and the ‘‘good life’’
we find that what we thought was our chance at happiness, is really
just a noose around our necks… what of the people who wake
up in the middle of the night and ask, is all there is?
my happiness, my ‘‘good life’’ is bound to living the American
and in the end, we discover, much to our dismay, we have
absolutely no idea what makes us happy or what the ‘‘good life’’ is…
and in the end, we are left with illusions and superstitions that
pretend to know what the ‘‘good life’’ is…
and I hold that part of the problem with us discovering what the ‘‘good life’’
is, is the myths and superstitions that hold us hostage in our lives…
the indoctrinations of our lives prevent us from gaining access to
knowing what the ‘‘good life’’ is… we are indoctrinated with all
kinds of values and beliefs that suggest, wrongly, that the ‘‘good life’’
is this, this and that… but in fact, I hold that it is, in part,
why we understand so little about our happiness and what
is the ‘‘good life’’… that our indoctrinations send us wrong
in terms of our understanding what is our happiness and
what is the ‘‘good life’’’
Is there a universal answer to the question, ''What is the good life?"
I would say no… on the grounds that there doesn’t seem to be
a universal, overall answer to any one question we face…
to say, god is the answer to the question of the ‘‘good life’’ is
not a universal answer because millions of people don’t hold
to that point of view… and universal requires, demands
universal assent… and what question or questions human
beings have, will get a universal assent? None that I can see…
questions like ''is life worth living?" even that question will not
get universal assent… entire philosophies are devoted to the
negative in that question… every single question asked,
will get answers from two sides, the con, negative and the pro/
the positive… and many such questions will get answers beyond
just negative or positive…
Summum Bonum… the good life… what is it and does
it have any type of universal assent as to what that might be,
as far as the answer to the question, what is the ''good life?"