Why do christians sometimes curse by invoking their gods name?..or his sons name?. Is it a form of protection…by calling upon his name they will be protected from evil in some way. ?
quite the opposite, my good man; third commandment baby.
please don’t pretend that christians aren’t sinners…
everyone slips up.
Hellspawn? Do you seriously want to know the answer to this question? Your implications are coming across all wrong to me, but maybe your just dumb to Christianity. If it’s out of anger, it’s taken his name in vain, out of help than I could see this possibly. And yes many so called Christians do this, but if they do it often they need to question their salvation.
Even though I am an atheist I still find myself saying things like goddammit or for gods sake!..maybe its just a part of our everyday language now.
Yes Club29 I would like an answer. When you invoke Gods name is it blasphamous?
Yes if it’s out of anger or disgust.
Hell penis Jesus fuck shit bitch nigger whore crap god-damn puke balls holy-fucking-shit hell-assed basterd.
Let’s think about the common-grounds between these “curse” words…
They are taboo, or highly esteemed, or both. They are weak-points, which are either held in shame or in glory.
If we split up the word: “dis grace”, then what?
What makes a word “powerful”, other then the dogma, fear and misunderstandings around it? Why do “dark” people feel more powerful when they bask behind the concept of death and killing? Killing is not powerful. It is the opposite. It is the distruction of power.
But, what gets a shock out of people when they hear it? It’s something feared. Something fragil and personal. A lie that’s obviously not real, so people have to fight tooth-and-nail to protect their “dignity”, which they never had or didn’t have.
wow, what a useless post I made. I was drunk when I made that post, adn that was a good five hours ago, so I really don;t have anything better to add to mak eamends since i am a but drunker then I was.
p.s. 5 30 am is a sthpid time of shte day to be trying to post on the internets, i think i need to figure out what the hell i am doing swrong with my lifes ;S
Everything, except for when you breath, you eat, you sleep, you try and you ask why, which is always, so?
Yeah it was neat how in the film “Flatliners” the scriptwriters cleverly and subtly wove religion into the background without us hardly noticing.
For example when Kiefer Sutherland was “dead” in the final scenes, one of his mates freaks and said something like “Oh God what are we gonna do?”, and after that they managed to bring him back.
The moral was that every time we talk to God, even in a flippant off-hand manner like that, he hears it, especially if its got genuine human emotion behind it…