
You know what I drink? Chai. I grind all the spices n’ shit myself, boiled in milk with extra cream added. Half my daily caloric intake. I developed my own version;

Tea: Either a mix of black Assam and Nilgiri tea, or a fermented pu-er tea. The later can be expensive.

  • Turmeric. Make golden milk. It’s turmeric boiled in milk. Then you make the tea with the other spices, and then you mix the two liquids together at the end. Turmeric is the base spice, you use more of it than anything else. Most chai uses black pepper to impart the warming sensation; turmeric does the same thing but it adds a deep earthly taste that mixes with the next ingredient,
  • Saffron. An expensive ingredient but it is needed to make this spice mixture come together. Not seen in most chai, but it is used in Kashmir teas.
  • Cardamom
  • Lemongrass; half as much as the cardamon used. Compliments cardamon.
  • Cinnamon
  • Cloves. Half as much cloves as the cinnamon used.
  • Star Anise
  • Fennel seeds; half as much as the star anise used. They compliment star anise.
  • Vanilla extract.
  • Ginger
  • Ground tonka beans. Very obscure. 1 bean per every two cups worth of tea. Tonka beans are like a mixture of cinnamon, almond, and vanilla, in scent and in flavor, and all three of those ingredients are used in various chais. Just don’t consume more than a dozen tonka beans in one day because they have a toxin in them, like how cherry pits have cyanide. You’d have to be consuming a ridiculous amount of tea every day with this recipe for that to ever be a concern.

– Pour in cream when done, both to make it richer and to cool it down to where you can actually drink it without scalding your mouth.

Sounds lovely, but I’m not a fan of such teas… I find that there’s far too much flavours going on for my tastebuds to cope with. Though I guess that’s one way of getting your calories in.

…a kombucha-making day, here… that stuff is so potent, that I can feel the antioxidants in it working it’s magic on my body.

By the look of it I do not think this version of Chai could be called tea.
Eating that much cream and milk to get half your calories would make this a meal in itself.

Tumeric is the world’s biggest source of lead poisoning, since they use lead to make it more yellow.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl … d%20States.

Lead poisoning can takes decades to have effects, but once poisoned the effects are irreversible.

There’s chai tea, and then there’s masala chai… the main difference between chai and masala tea is the addition of spices, so Parodites’ blend being the latter-named tea.

Trigeminal neuralgia and fibromyalgia sufferers, tend to get most of their/our calories in liquid form… it comes with the territory. :icon-rolleyes:

Yes, masala chai is also normally boiled directly in milk, sometimes extra cream is added. It is supposed to be rather heavy, it’s just that the quantity of it I drink per day, which is excessive, has caused it to become a larger source of daily calories than any other food for me.

I listened to a talk on Ayurveda recently, in which it was said that the right combination of spices can have a healing effect not a harming one… as they would if they were used independently or differently-combined.