
First I want you to watch, or re-watch, this.

And now I want you to read this.

Will the scientific community ever sit down and agree that telepathy really exists? As a performer who performs feats of telepathy (although they are fake) I ask people if they believe in this. Alot of people do.

What do you think?

I think it’s probably bunk, but I don’t necessarily think all research along those lines is a complete waste. To date I’ve never seen any compelling evidence of it.

I started to watch your act but the crowd is so noisy and the sound so bad it’s hard to follow.

sorry… it’s because of my budget.


Telepathy is real.

Most people use/experience it on a daily basis without really realizing it. It is hard to explain but there is a fine blend between intuition and a type of symbolism caused by the more primitive portions of our consciousness as humans. It makes reproducing the effects under scientific study quite difficult, or at least it did up until now.

As the consciousness is shifting we’re seeing a more… pristine conscious vision, that of the so called ‘crystal children’ being born lately. I will try and find the link but there have been a group of children identified in China who are flawless psychics, even under examination. 100% success rate in card tests, things like that.

Expect to see more of this as the media is forced to report on what will soon be an rather obvious truth.

I didn’t mean that as a criticism. :blush: More I was referring to all the drunks or whatever- sounded like you had the crowd pretty geared up. :slight_smile:

BTW I think the ‘crystal children’ joke has been thoroughly exposed as a fraud, but if you’ve a link I’d check it out. One of them should pay a visit to James Randi and snag themselves a quick million bucks. Should be easy money. :slight_smile:

Of course.

Years ago, in a laboritory, Riech and Einstient met. The orgone accumulator was built, and shown. Temporature changes existed with no “explanation”, within the device. A small portion of “free energy” was gathered, yes. Then, as it could not be explained, in the same way as ghosts are not explained, the entire thing was ignorantly ignored and cast off of the logician’s plate.

Anything which REALLY WORKS, but cannot be “explained” – is most often disgarded by modern “intellectualism”.

I can’t even begin to list how shit this cencored and biased science is, today. False sense of reality? You bet, and it leaves people like gobbo, supposedly sounding “crazy” as soon as they basically say: “yes, it happened, thus I believe.”

People believe in what brings them the most sense of security. They want reassurance from their kin, they do not want “truth”. Rarely anyone wants “truth”, they mostly, only want “satisfation”.

The amount of knowledge which passed through humanity – was phenominal, but over 90% of it was not really utilized, much was misunderstood, ignored, squandered, etc. Human “intelligence” [or as I like to call it: “artificial intelligence”] cannot keep up, and corruption runs deep.

Telepathy exists, yes, obvious to me, practiced for real, amoung other things, not as spectacular or crystal-clear as your mind-conditioning-hollywood-images would have you believe, but real…

well our brains shoot off electrical pulses. Energy can flow through us and out of us. Thought is energy. yep I say telepathy is real for some and some will never have the ability. Its not a gift, just a different arrangement of bilologic thingamagiggys inside us. Some got it some don’t. Just like some folks are blonde and some folks are brunettes.

Faking telepathy is not hard you just have to know how words body language and average circumstance works. that is the hard part of faking telepathy the learning how to do it.

I agree with you, and I experience telepathy quite strongly with certain people, but I don’t blame science for not accepting it - they have no model to place it in.
Telapathy is being researched by universities in Amsterdam, on a small scale, but noone seems to have any idea as to how it might work. Then, noone has any idea hwo the mind works anyhow, so they’d better get that straight first.

I don’t think it’s a lack of a model so much as a lack of credible, repeatable evidence. We change our models all the time; that’s the nature of science. Don’t get me wrong, though- I’d love to believe in it. I grew up reading Sci-Fi and fantasy novels and playing AD&D. It would rock if I could read peoples minds.

Indeed now that we do a mind without telepathy is impossible to conceive.

Just look at the thin skulls of swarm birds. Awareness is little but an electromagnetic circuitry, and unless skulls are leadlined, there is going to be overlap. And trespass and synthesis and war and just generally weird atmosphere. Or, as birds accomplish in a flight, instant organization.

Eagles and other birds of prey would not share their mind with other birds. But humans, in cities especially, are being forced to partake in each others awareness.
Especially nasty since no one is really aware of it except the growing number of occultists and witches, and generally energy greeds.


Dealing with paranormal activity for many years, I am sure that there are being with ability to read my mind and put thought inside my mind. I come to believe that there are either from this world or another world. Maybe I am fooled by Satan about individuals in this world who can read my mind. I don’t know. My world is very complicated because of my interest in spiritual reality.

Direct apprehension of spirit is not for simpletons or faint of heart.
Indeed it reveals that the borders between in and outside aren’t as clear cut as would be convenient.
Which causes all kinds of dilemmas about power, responsibility, control.



What sort of dilemmas? Do you mind to name a few?

Scary ones. Where you know you have influence but the influence also has power over you, and you gradually find out you need to arm yourself with a lot harder understanding of occult laws to even discern how you can continue to exist without dissolving in the sheer enormity of forces at play, none of which are as conveniently separated from oneself as physical objects.

Ive seen people dissolve into psychosis by losing control over their borders, commit suicide. They took on too much hay on their fork, in youthful brazenness, not realizing the massive amounts of power and will both good and ill that has been concentrated for millennia in these unseen domains. Damn there is much sadism out there. The sheer fanaticism of the forces that re active in the occult is staggering.

At one point I learned to heal, I could send out probes from may chest and cure people of headaches and such in an instant, for example if I was in public transport and saw a person hunched over Id send out a probe and the person would come to life with a weird glow of surprise. Eventually I stopped doing that because it took up too much time. A lot more stuff happened, I got proficient in astrology, and finally I was able integrate the occult in philosophy (verifiable logic) through what I see my completion of Nietzsches model of the world as will to power. I was able to open up this model and identify the root of power as being value, valuing - and then everything clicked. I realized that valuing (ultimately, love and fear) is at the root of the behaviour of every material tendency (and all things are merely tendencies, behaviours) and that non locality is a give in organization. This also explains quantum entanglement.

Bottom line (the power-dilemmas have in the meantime grown so powerful and absorbing that I can’t speak of them but the occupy most of my time) is that it is all about Choices. Th occult is the one area where the Choice is truly pure. This is represented by the Lovers card in the Tarot, Gemini in astrology and the path between Binah and Tipharet in the Tree of Life.
It is only through the purity of Choice, which is the affirmation of ones being as being a valuing, that one can acquire autonomy and freedom and clarity. One must throw oneself into ones own subjectivity. But this can only be done when values have truly been clarified. And this takes trial and error.

Obviously I have to leave out everything thats concrete. There is nothing that isn’t some weighty interest. Its all ongoing and with real impact on the world. Its a trip.

‘and the path between Binah and Tipharet in the Tree of Life.
It is only through the purity of Choice, which is the affirmation of ones being as being a valuing, that one can acquire autonomy and freedom and clarity. One must throw oneself into ones own subjectivity. But this can only be done when values have truly been clarified. And this takes trial and error’

Not necessarily. The chosen do not need trial and error. For them its become instinctual, and they have become constrained if not short term, (wherein lays their difficulty), long term: they’re fated no choice.
Their being chosen makes their choices superlative and unnecessary.

Of course the contrary is the case.