Thank you shout out!

So I’ve been participating regularly online for over a year, realizing my own brand of philosophy, learning online, public

engagement which I’d never dove into before, figuring out that confrontation is not the end of the world, still struggling

to acquire the literary skills to reveal my thoughts clearly, and hopefully creating rapports with quite a few

of you’s…thank you to those who challenge me to think and feel something more than complete, mundane trivialities.

I appreciate you’s for adding another dimension to my life…The Twilight Zone! :laughing:

Now, I’ll return to annoying the crap out of you :evilfun: IN THIS OFFICIAL HELL.

That’s actually quite awesome… ILP appreciates that you have gained from the site.


so cute.

are you sure your thoughts warrant clarity? :sunglasses:

You shouldnt worry, Youre fine just the way you are.
Glad you stayed.

You’re welcome.