The 2nd Holocaust is beginning...

How do you tell fit n healthy active people that they need to take it easy, and they actually do it?

I saw this occurrence coming a few years ago, when my own good-health took a tumble after having a tetanus jab and slowly having to nurse myself back to good-health, for fear of being a vax statistic. I know of some that were though, and died suddenly of heart-attacks due to unknown causes.

These casualties show that vaccinations are counterproductive to the health of healthy people. The alarming rise in women dying, across Europe especially, from heart-related issues has been happening for years, and so women especially have been warned to monitor their heart-health.

Over-exertion after any jab or vax is ill-advised, as the nervous system is compromised for many weeks after having them.

The causes are not “unknown”, except to the gaslit public, who are being primed for execution and slaughter.

Eugenicists control the “vaccine” mRNA tech, and it’s rollout. They control the dosage and data. They are the biggest funder to MSM, ‘Pfizer’ sponsors every major network.

The biggest Drug Dealers on planet Earth.

I agree to this view, I tried as an analagy, though, to make sense of this issue between those against , the antiwaxets, and the current administration, and it appears it has become a game of political football.

I’m kind of a middle of the roader, which is not an easy position to be, and i thought of 3 analogies ,which may lighten the drama of it.

They are really , not too subtle paradoxes , :

But before , my feeling is that unnoticed reversals take place of all linds, the more notable one being that the politics of experience has berm shifted from the experience of politics.

  1. What do you get when you mix ( genetically) a tiger and a parrot? Give up?

Answer: probably something intetrsting, but if it treys to talk to you, you better listen.

  1. Same method: what happens when you mix a bird with a dog?
    The answer here is less challenging , and yet equally a provocative: a bird dog.

3 And finally what could have caused a human hybrid of any two antithetical types to be genetically engineered?

The answer here is quite phenomenal: : as an example a suberb man , maybe an ‘Ubermensch’? may be produced from the most obtuse opposites known to man~Christ and Antichrist.*

This last one has been historically tried by the gnostics, and this historical background, although very much more dissimilar to the first 2 can in modern terms be seen more as a caricature, since humans and not animals ate exemplified.

Animal Farm, and The Island of Dr Moroeau come to mind.

What happens when you mix monkey and bat DNA?

Gain-of-Function Bioweapons, intentionally used on the world’s general population, if they can get away with it, and it benefits them, then why not?

How much money has the Pharmaceutical Mega-corporations made off this “disaster”? How much political control have the bureaucrats made? Coincidence? (No)

There hundreds of thousands of these occurrences, but here is one:

The “vaccine” deaths will soon pass Covid deaths in the United States; this is a Holocaust.

All across the world, star athletes, teenagers, and next children, are dropping dead like flies from these “vaccines” they want to mandate.

Who is the world’s biggest monetary funder of MainStreamMedia? Answer: Pfizer

It’s obvious who dictates the Narrative, which also proves, who does not want the world to wakeup to what is going on.

Dr. Fauci knows the “vaccine” will kill (many) children unnecessarily. It is intentional:

The main reason/cause all of this is happening, is because USA is already captured by foreign & domestic Enemies.

USA’s enemies want America to fall. It is intentional.

It might make rightard media think they have something but they are as usual fucking morons desperate for attention.

This is like a mirror in an asylum

So it’s “normal” to you, retard, that Athletes and Teenagers, all over the world, dropping dead on sports fields with heart attacks??

Who is in the asylum?? When I grew up, kids didn’t die on sports fields across the world, all at the same time. Yep, I’m the insane one, moron.

“About 877 confirmed cases of myocarditis in vaccinated people under 30 years have been reported in the U.S., out of 86 million mRNA vaccine doses administered, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

Only 877 per 86 million? Pfft. I mean that many atheletes die of cardiac arrest every few months anyway.

These satanic communists are really doing some sloppy work. Bunch of amateurs is what they are. Those numbers don’t even put a dent in the global population. Plus the idiots actually warned in advance that the vaccines could cause inflammation of the cardiac muscle. Jesus man, ur not supposed to warn the people ur trying to kill in advance.

The data is being censored. You have to dig into VAERS and then take into consideration the injuries/deaths that are not reported.

The Globalists implemented this as a test phase. They are monitoring how many they can kill, without facing backlash.

Once everybody takes “yearly boosters” as Normalization, then they will rollout their mass depopulation efforts, whether by mass Sterilization or Euthanasia.

America is targeted and marked for destruction. The Globalists no longer have use in USA as the #1 world power. They are prepared to bring USA down, hard.

what a bunch of nonsense… do go to school, first grade, you have to
have several vaccines, for example when I went to school, back in the stone age,
I was required to get several vaccines to get into first grade…
and now days these vaccines are required to get into school…this is for

Hepatitis B
pertussis (whooping cough)
pneumococcal disease…
rubella (German measles) and I will come back to this one…

as different states have different vaccines requirements, this is from Illinois…

so, just to get into school these days, you have to have vaccines
or no going to school, simple as that…

Now UR is not an American thus in going to school, he/she/it faced
different vaccines requirements then Americans faced…

so stop pretending this the only time one gets vaccinated…
however with that said about the US, in other countries
the UK, for example, there is no vaccine requirement for getting into school…

in Germany for example, children get vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, and
chickenpox…different strokes for different folks…

now to return to the German measles… I suffered my hearing loss because
the German measles and rubella shots wasn’t mandatory when I was born…
some kids down the street gave my sister the measles and she gave
it to my mom while she was pregnant with me…
and I am about to go deaf because of this…so, vaccines are personal to me
because it has dominated my life…


Remember when kids & teenagers having heart attacks, across the world, all of them “vaccinated” was not normal.

I remember those days… seems so long ago now.

K: I Know asking for any type of evidence or facts is useless because all you will
provide us is with propaganda from Bitchute or Faux news…how about a
reliable news source? or even government numbers? oh, wait, they are in
on the conspiracy to destroy the world, or was it democracy or wait,
is that fake news? I can’t keep track of all the nonsense you put out…


I posted the hundred of kids, teenagers, and athletes, collapsing on sports fields, in the OP (all “vaccinated”, all euthanized).

Don’t blame me for your own ignorance and incompetence.

All these innocent athletes and kids, are being murdered by Big Pharma, MSM, and all who supported this bullshit.

It is straight-up murder.