[size=150]The beautiful nada: “the most undesirable host”[/size]
I think it is interesting to quote a poem written by me and posted here sometime ago:
This “poem” which is not so well-written as it should be (nothing that I do is ever as good as it should be) reflects my frustration, my despair and my absolute loneliness when I am face to face with what is usually called my “destiny”, i.e, inexistence. If I repeat “over there there is…nothingness” is because I wanted to make it clear that if “over there” there is really nothingness, nothing, absolutely nothing that we do, chose or plan has any importance, the only thing that has some importance is to die, to disappear and to forget the pain.
When I asked some people here from ILP what was the reason they were living for, I wasn’t surprised that most of them slip in the area of non-reason (i.e, saying that their lives have a “meaning” which is by its own nature irrational), because that was exactly what I knew I would read: no matter how much we try to hide that, the current visions we have of life can’t make us happy at all. The idea that man is just a pre-programmed machine which has the “function” of reproducing himself in order to perpetuate his race could never and will never be accept by ANY human being: that is why a materialist or rationalist man is in trouble when he talks about happiness, optimism or joy of life: seeing life as just the result of some chemical and genetical events, nobody has a base to state why we should life, be optmistic or happy. A “happy” materialist person is a hypocritical one. Any person who believes in some form of “meaning” to human life (be this meaning predetermined or created by man) is doing something necessarily irrational and therefore has no way of defending his position through reason. The same applies to anyone who defends “optimistic” vision on life. According to his own “concepts” modern man has accepted that he is “nothing but a collection of self-reproductory genes”, therefore he has NO RIGHT to talk about things which a “collection of self-reproductory genes” isn’t supposed to talk about such as “happiness”, “optimism”, joy of life", “meaning” and so on, all irrational concepts.
This beautiful nada, this nihilism which man himself has created with his “reason” will unavoidably lead humanity to an age of despair, otherwise, it has already lead it to it: ours is a desperate time. Ours is a time of sadness, apathy, tragedy and loneliness. Ours is a time when humanity has already been declared dead while it hasn’t even begun to “live”.
That is why I usually say nihilism is always waiting for us at the end of our roads. The “most undesirable” host,as Heidegger beautifully said.
Thanks for the attention,
Fabiano, a man “who wants to be more than just an animal”, and maybe only wants.