An intelligent and I feel unbiased view of the pronouncement that ‘Haitians are eating the pets of the Ohio suburb they settled in. Does Mr. Vance’s explanation ring true to form of how Republican Party should operate?
An intelligent and I feel unbiased view of the pronouncement that ‘Haitians are eating the pets of the Ohio suburb they settled in. Does Mr. Vance’s explanation ring true to form of how Republican Party should operate?
I didn’t read the article, but it sounds like a “wrapup smear” that paints them not just as culturally insensitive and out of touch on how to address triggerpoints, but deceptively spreading lies in an insidious conspiracy to yada yada yada. As if they are evil masterminds.
Kamala Harris’s playbook she perfected as the Attorney General of California, aka abortion industry henchperson.
Relevance to the collapse of civilization?
That much is accurate.
I’m right there with you, Carleas. Indeed, I have felt that way for decades now.
However, and to slightly paraphrase something I’ve written elsewhere on this very same subject,…
…I tend to think of the prevailing state of the world as being a situation where humanity is in the chaotic process of transitioning between two civilizational paradigms.
What I mean is that we are in the process of moving out of the “old (material/spiritual) paradigm”…
(which is a general level of consciousness that humanity has functioned at for the last several millennia)
…and into a “new (material/spiritual) paradigm” (a higher level of consciousness) that has not only been initiated by the discoveries in cosmology and quantum physics, but also as a result of the more widespread use of mind-expanding drugs.
I’m a big fan of using visual metaphors. In which case, I suggest a Venn Diagram might be helpful in understanding the reason for the problems you pointed out…
The bubble on the left represents, again, the “old (and crumbling) paradigm” which once maintained a tenuous (but tolerable) balance between science and religion.
And the bubble on the right represents a new and higher (yet to be reached) plateau of humanity’s general awareness.
The old paradigm, of course, contains all of the mythological nonsense that forms the numerous (and incompatible) religions of the world.
However, due to the expanding population and globalization pushing us closer together, the incompatibility of the world’s religions…
(not to mention the incompatible socio-political systems that are generally built around the religious systems)
…has us on the brink of destroying ourselves, which, of course, is what the middle part of the Venn Diagram represents.
It (the overlapping grey area) represents the confusion and chaos that will reign until the transition is complete.
If you experiment with the things that give society cohesion, you shouldn’t be surprised if controversy, contention and eventually collapse are the consequences.
Carleas, Seeds, Bob:
It’s odd, that as soon as stepping into the newer paradigmn, consisting of following many grey areas paradigmns in-between, I felt that decline was a built in mode of dealing with the tenuous hold unto the olde paradigmn,
Except that the old had crunched into a massive apparent unity , singularly apprehended as a solid base-line, and the new the a-preception of multiples derived from the middle, grey area. The preservation of architecture was key , as newer and newer paradigms spinned off with increasing frequency. That built in obsolescence is the key to how the fittest is described as functional to survival of capital.
So I beg to differ that collapse is a primary organizational method of collapse, rather, the overproduction of material manifestations leading to the secondary, albeit long term result of disorganization, that is of Marxian origin. (forgot the term, but you get the idea.)?
-diminishing returns, I thought of it before searching Google, ‘proving’ that all ‘paradimns’ are formed of the lowest accessible , recollected criteria, that is, the ultimate accessible criterion defined as the old paradigmn, succeeds to variable shades of grey until the word ‘paradigmn will no longer be applicable to recall, as an objective conception.
Recall is The uncaused cause , as a perhaps, ground breaking necessity of antificially induced memory, where the continuum between parts of it’s flow becomes individually invisible, non apparent.
I hope you are wrong too, but of course I see a similar trajectory occurring. It’s interesting to analyze and try to understand all the reasons why this is occurring, but at the end of the day I don’t see how that helps solve anything. It’s not like world leaders are going to read our posts on ILP and decide to start acting sanely.
But there are some interesting theories I’ve run across related to this topic of civilizational collapse. Because modern civilization is so much more advanced technologically compared to past civilizations, this is supposed to act as a protection. For instance, we might certainly experience some degree of collapse but then it will be halted from going all the way back to zero because technology will still be around in some ways to help us get socioeconomic structures back up and running again at least partially. Our collapse could be similar to that of Rome where the main state collapses and disappears leaving behind tons of local more self-governing regions. In the case of Rome that ultimately led to the development of the various European nation-states.
Since it is western-American culture that dominates most of the planet, when modern global civilization suffers an immense crisis and we can say it partially collapses, we could be looking at a similar situation as occurred in Rome. Regions around the world will become immediately more localized politically, culturally and militarily. Whereas there are something like 200 nations on the planet right now, that number could double within the span of a decade or less after a partial collapse. A kind of mass balkanization process. Yet just like the collapse of Rome, American culture, values, ideas, philosophy will be seeded into many of these new local areas. There is no going back: the world power reaches deep into nations and cultures around the globe, and if that world power disappears as a coherent political-economic-military entity that doesn’t mean its influences also vanish. Rather those influences becomes traces of the past incorporated in new ways in the present. All based on a formula of what is most true and what is most useful in the longer term.
Another idea is that we have progressed so much further and pushed off collapse so much longer because of the Christian admonition against birth control. Rome fully embraced birth control and the upper class all but stopped procreating, which is something we are now seeing replicated in our modern world. Fertility is now becoming inversely correlated with wealth and education. That inverse correlation is not only phenotypic but is actually occurring at the biological level too. Yet the argument here is that our modern civilization resisted the incorporation of birth control and other sexual misadventures and deviations (from the perspective of a necessary healthy reproduction) due to Christian values. Now that those values have broken down across much of civilization we see the rise in infertility/under-fertility as well as sexual deviations (I don’t mean this morally but in terms of the sexual reproductive norm) like homosexuality and transgenderism, which sort of things have tended to always occur near the end of a civilization.
Then still another perspective is what Michio Kaku talks about with regard to types of civilizations. We are still a type 0 civilization in that model, we do not even yet have full control over our own planet and energy. We have not stabilized a consistent planetary civilization, let alone begun to reach out and colonize our solar system. Our energy resources are still based on burning the natural world around us and we are still enmeshed in sectarian conflicts and war with each other over resources, wealth and power.
According to him, this is the most dangerous time in the developmental path of any intelligent species, whether humans here or other intelligent species elsewhere in the universe. Why? Because right now, as we try to push from type 0 to a type 1 civilization we gain the means to destroy ourselves utterly. We must develop the technologies that would allow us to move to a type 1 civilization, and yet precisely because we are not there yet those same technologies threaten to be misunsed and destroy us.
In any case, whatever happens we might actually get to see some of it in our own lifetimes. That is really exciting, and also of course a bit terrifying.
I do believe they do.
I have seen what has been discussed in here, enacted in the real world in real time… most of it atrociously and uneducatedly so/Leftists, but some of it seamlessly very-well done/Rightists.
Like what? Please try to be specific.
Because, seriously, no one with real power in this world is scrolling tards on ILP. Facts. They got waaaayy too many hookers and coke to do and way too many stacks of cash bribes to count. They be reading their scripts and attending their secret meetings to get on point. Who gives a fuck about some rando forum posts most of which are pure retard level?
On a related note:
Looks like the demoncrap deep state is still hellbent on bringing us into nuclear world war with Russia et al. Biden just authorized Ukraine to use US long range missiles to strike into Russian territory.
Still, let us hope Putin displays the same calm and reasoned responses that he has so far. But this is the biggest escalation so far, and even Putin at some point comes under pressure from his people for the gross atrocities committed against them by western powers.
It was predicted that this transition period may not last. After all, this is the final little spasm of power for the DC Demonrat swamp, at least if you are to believe the media headlines on either side of the political aisle. They have this little window to try and do anything to stop another Trump presidency. Most of them would happily risk thermonuclear annihilation to stop el trumpo from getting into the white house again.
Of course, I don’t buy it. I think both sides, demonrats and republitards are part of the same one Uniparty. And all this political stuff and media we see is purely for show. And yet… even for show, there are real world consequences for many.
World war escalation seems to have already been written into the script since 2014 at least, certainly since 2022. Assuming Trump is part of that same script, which I am certain he is, there is little reason to assume they will simply stop that entire line… although major destruction might compete against their interests, perhaps limited strikes and tactical detonations serve their ends. Think about it, if that happened Biden could easily declare martial law and suspend Trump from getting into the white house indefinitely. Then all the magatards would predictably launch some sort of revolt, which would play right into the “deep state’s” hands.
Oh yes, we have seen Trump voters playing into their hands ever since the beginning. Ever since they forgot about “lock her up” and “drain the swamp”, ever since they forgot about “operation warpseed” and how trump led his people into a Fed false flag trap of “J6” and then walked away, abandoning those captured and still held in prison. But the worst crime and betrayal of the magatards? They forgot that Trump was the Commander in Chief who allowed the literal election coup to occur 4 years ago.
Yes, Trump had multiple ways to stop it, including massive exposure and declassification of everything to show the world the truth. They knew the truth. And Trump stood by, promising his people they were right on the edge of not giving up… and then he just gave up. And guess what, all his supporters voluntarily erased their memories completely and decided to vote for him all over again. Despite all of the above, most of which they don’t even recall anymore.
Collapse of civilization? Well the only prediction I can give you here, is that it will occur in a way none of us has really predicted at all. These games are too complex and the average person is too stupid. There is just no predicting anymore. And I suppose that in itself is already a form of civilizational collapse having already occured.
Believe what you like…
Yes I will, but I only believe what seems most truthful to me.
What I “want” does not factor into things.
And its weird for me to imagine believing in things only because I wanted to, and not because of what seemed most objectively truthful to me.
Is that how you do it? Do you discount what seems true and accept mostly what you want to believe?
Belief and want, are not the same.
What has my saying to believe what you like, in relation to influential people scouring the boards for ideas to use on the real world, have to do with me believing, over what is actually true?
I dunno, I just dont trust politicians and billionaires.
But I guess that’s just me
Then why not just say that, instead of discrediting my entire argument…
So, if I’m reading you right, your strategy for avoiding the next world war is appeasement? Man, someone should have tried that with Hitler, probably could have avoided WWII…