No, not that draft, numbnutz…the NFL draft. How did “your” team do? Certainly there must be some “philosophers” here vapid and shallow enough to watch football?
Hello F(R)IEND(S)
My team did damn WELL! We got a quarterback that was projected to go as high as #1 and then fell a long way! This gives us hope that we will be able to replace our Hall of Fame quarterback when he retires…
American Football season is upon us! I am waiting for that to give me some hope now that my basketball team is not in the playoffs. Of course, the best event is coming next summer! WORLD CUP!!!
I’m going to Germany, anyone else? If BOB is around maybe he can show me some sights in between the games.
I’m sure you know the name of my team?
drat! scuffles back the way she came in
Awww no…for the love of God…it can’t be…
NOT A CHEESEHEAD! Oh, well- if by dumb luck the Fudge Packers even make the playoffs this season, my Vikes got some more of the same whoop-ass they poured on 'em last year!
Phaedrus wrote:
This could be true, now that Randy ‘My Ego is bigger than my fro’ Moss has left. It’s a wonder he could catch the ball with a head that big!
I’m a Broncos fan, but I don’t think this will be our year. I’m really hoping South Korea gets this cloning thing right because I need Elway to come back.
I miss you John!
Making fun of the Packers? You’d better believe that’s a killing!
Whoop Ass? WHOOP ASS! Yeah… yeah… I guess it was a whooping curses under his breath
Honestly, do you think that Vikings will have a better year than the Packers?
In any case, I think the Pack has a bright future… we got some good picks. How do you feel Minner-soder did? As for the Broncos… three words: Jake Plummer. Yikes!
Go Pack Go!
The Mighty Vikes had a phenomenal off season, signing some amazing defensive talent. I confidently predict they’ll move from near the back of the pack to top 10 or 12 defensively this season. As for offense, yeah, they’ll miss Moss- no two ways about it. BUT, when he was injured last year they still put up 25-28 ppg. That should be plenty if the D improves. Plus, the wideout they drafted this year runs a 4.2/40! So the deep ball should still be there. Provided that enough players can put the bong down and pass the drug tests.
On the plus side of Moss leaving, they won’t have to deal with his shit anymore. Yes, he’s an amazing talent, but an even more amazing asshole. It’s Culpeppers team now, and the focus will hopefully be on the TEAM instead of Moss’ antics. Just look at the Pats- 3 Championships in 4 years with very few big stars.
the vikings need to change their name to the rolling stones…
(gathering no moss and all…)
besides, Seattle is gonna take it all… (they have the best helmets)