The Duality of Fundamentality

A definition of fundamental is existence which follows as a result of a first existent. The first
fundamental existence is the first existent itself. The second fundamental existence is the
creation of the universe by the first existent–the big bang and what immediately followed the big
bang, quantum fields or perhaps quantum foam. The second fundamental existent (quantum
fields or foam) is hidden by the absence of light in the very early universe.

There is no “first existent”.
All is energy.
All is a continuum.

What we call the “beginning” is a cosmological shift from one iteration to the next - or the closest point to a singularity - duality of Yin/Yang - that can never finalize because it would be the end.
From a movement towards absolute order - singularity, towards a movement (linear time) towards absolute chaos - infinite space/time.

The “Big Bang” is looking back to the point when the movement shifted towards absolute chaos.
It is an ongoing event. A choke point.
From within this movement a new beginning commences, over and over…Cosmological cycles.
One cosmological iteration creating the next…every one different form the previous, due to chaotic energies.

Order/Chaos refer to energy and if they are ordered/patterned or random/lacking pattern.
A singularity would be the end of existence…absolute order - perfection.

Existence, as we know it, requires chaos.
Chaos makes life possible, and necessitates will.

Perhaps your philosophy is the correct one. I will consider it more carefully.


There is no vaccume…all is energy.
Space has a measurable temperature - background radiation.

What we perceive as void, empty, dark, is energy patterns too slow or too fast to be perceived - falling outside our human percpetual-event-horizon - or energies that lack order, are random, and so imperceptible by organisms that evolved to perceive patterns.
Here is where the two different definitions of chaos refer to the same interpretation, of the imperceptible, as void.

Chaos - defined as complexity.
Chaos - defined as randomness.
Both referring to our inability to perceive what is beyond our perceptual acuity - necessitating technologies to increase our perceptual range - or lacks order, and so can never be perceived directly.

Linear time is the experience of a continuous increase of chaotic energies - change.
Using Heidegger’s - I think - terminology, what we perceive as matter/energy (patterns, order) is probability; space is possibility. Chaos is possibility.
So, space is full of chaotic energies that can never be perceived…and can never unified - harmonize - to reach a perceptible size.
Chaotic energies remain inconspicuous, affecting order…and so become perceptible through their interaction with patterned energies. This interactivity is chaotic: lacking a repeating, consistent, sequence.
So, we perceive existence as pockets of probability in an expanding field of possibilities.
Movement - acceleration - can be understood as an increase in probabilities of interacting in one, or more, dimension, accompanied by a decrease in all other dimensions.
So, the closer we move at the speed of light the less interactivity will become probable in all dimensions but one…

Solidity is a slow pattern - sequence - shared across multiple dimensions.
So, matter is energy with a sequence of probable interactions across all dimensions.

Interactivity = attraction/repulsion. Eros/Thymos

Energies interact constantly. We are in the midst of a sea of interactivity…but we cannot perceive it all.
Energies with a similar pattern are more harmonious - attract each other since disharmony causes friction, is repulsive.
Therefore, chaotic energies are always repulsive, but remain too weak to affect us, other than subtly, because they can never form harmonious unities…

All interactivity creates some friction, and so patterns/order are constantly deteriorating (attrition) - chaos increasing.
We experience this constant interactivity as change…and we use time to measure it.