What do you say to this. I found this on a website about satanism. Do most satanists believe that tiberius was a great man as it says below?
www. rense . com
The “Age of Aquarius,” or “New Age,” is the generic name adopted by the modern Satanist movement. The best-publicized among the founders of the Age of Aquarius movement include Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alex Muenthe (of Capri notoriety), and Aleister Crowley. Most Aquarians trace the origins of modern Satanism to Nietzsche and Crowley.
Anti-Christ cultist Nietzsche announced that the twentieth century would see the end of the Age of Pisces, which Aquarians associate with the figures of Socrates and Christ; Nietzsche prophesied that the New Age would be the Age of Aquarius, which he identified with the Satanic figure Dionysos.
Crowley announced himself publicly a devotee of Nietzsche’s New Age cult in his Vienna Theosophy magazine, near the beginning of this century, and indicated as his preferred choice of name for Satan.
Among hard-core insiders, the New Age models its dogma on the Magis’ cult of Mithra, as Nietzsche did. The cult has notable affinities to the Bulgarian-Cathar Bogomil cult(from which the slang term “buggery” is derived). The New Age’s most celebrated historical figure, its choice for the original “incarnation” of the Anti-Christ, is the Roman Emperor Tiberius who ordered the execution of Christ.
[Some Roman emperors, most notably Caligula, became possessed by being initiated without being suitably prepared.] Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering were among the notable figures who followed this cult.
Amongst many thing regarding this topic I push them aside. To me these things attribute nothing to my personal aspect on Satanism. Perhaps being outside of a Satanist belief structure you could explain what your take on this is?
I dont think Jeshua deserved to be punished as he was. He was a good man, they mauled him, and were cruel to someone innocent. Thats how I see it.
I believe they were afraid of his powers. Otherwise they would have just tried to pass him off as a madman for everyone to laugh at. But they were bent on killing him through fear. Because of what he could do. Same with Martin luther king in a similiar way.
So anyone celebrating the emperor Tiberius killing him I think would be uncalled for and a bad thing.
But as seen in your other post on Ethics, who is to say that kill him was uncalled for? Did Jeshua himself not already know of such things? He said various times in scripture that he would be persecuted and stripped of life to be with the father in heaven.
Even in the story, the emperor himself did not order the execution of christ.
Personally, I don’t see any reason to think jesus ever lived at all.
Satanists judge greatness, like they judge everything else, on a personal basis. Perhaps some Satanists feel emperor Tiberius was great for some reason, but the reason is their own.
By the way, the internet is full of phoney ballogne fake Satanism sites.
If you want to argue about Satanism, fine, but at least come with some credible material. churchofsatan.com
I’ve been dying to ask you. Are you guys dressed up in those silly outfits, seriously? (I am truly being straight here). Or is that some kind of parody of what Satanism is supposed to be, some kind of halloween version? What’s with the animal heads, the cape and stuff? What makes me ask this is the ridiculous army recruiting-like slogan you use at the bottom of the page. It makes it seem like satire of some kind. I really can’t tell if your serious, or do you imagine that this get up actually says something positive about your organization and ideas?
This site appears to be something that only insane or stupid people would take seriously. It is pure nonsense and I would avoid reading it. I take my own advice on this unless I am looking for a laugh.
Ya, it’s mostly in fun.
The only time you would see anything like that for real would be in a ritual, because that kind of thing aids in suspention of disbelief…but I digress.
As for PR…do you really think people that take on the label ‘Satanist’ are concerned about public opinion?
The only time you would see anything like that for real would be in a ritual, because that kind of thing aids in suspention of disbelief…but I digress.
As for PR…do you really think people that take on the label ‘Satanist’ are concerned about public opinion?
Hmmm…you’re not concerned about public opinion, but then you dress up in animal masks and make a fake army recruiting poster as the leadin to your website. I get it.
You think putting on Halloween costumes aids in the suspension of disbelief. Why would you want someone to suspend disbelief?
I tried one or twice while working in a bookstore years ago. No thank you now. From what I can tell from here its just a very watered down - made for stupid people - version of philosophies (Nietzsche, Epicurus, Ayn Rand, etc.) I’m much better aquaited with. I was just a bit shocked that you looked so foolish, and wondered if it was on purpose. I suppose that the kinds of people that would look at a bunch of guys with animal masks on, and a sword and say “Cool!”, must be the high-level demographic you are after. Come to think of it, I do realize why you copied the “A Few Good Men” and marine ad campaign. A little bit of Metal, highschool dropout and weed and alot of things look good. But damn silly it seems to me.
Do you find the pope to look as silly in his costume or a Jewish guy with a crew cut and fourteen inch sideburns wearing a bolero hat?
Sure, if taken out of context of the traditions they are in. (Are you saying that these outfits form a strong part of your “tradition”? If so, why was this “mostly” for fun.) Baseball players look silly, a man in a bow tie looks silly. But why would a bunch of people try to look silly on purpose, I mean go out of their way to look silly? Damn, the picture is idiotic, especially with the ripped-off caption.
I find the Jewish haircut to be totally bizarre with an ultra-stupid origin. They were against a tribe that had long hair and no sideburns so they cut their hair short and grew their sideburns long! It’s been centuries now!
Have you seen the Amish?
Wacky clothes are part of cultish behavior. If you dress in a strange way then you create an in-group. The out-group (public) is not dressed that way and will make fun of you. Meanwhile the in-group can feel more together, as they are all dressed the same, and can stand against the public that does not like them. Of course, the amusing part is that the in-group created the public decent in the first place.
If you dress in a strange way then you create an in-group.
So the point of dressing up like this, and making this photo the poster for your group is to set up some kind of “in-group”? Are you trying to attract people who actually think this is “cool”, like “hey, I would love to wear an Elephant head”, or “damn that sword looks neat, I wish I had one like that”? I just don’t get it. Are these heads the ceremonial masks of importance for Satanism? If so, what is the joke?
I’m not sure, but I would assume that the masks speak to the beastial, rather than divine nature of humanity. There is the sword of Islam and what does that inspire. Priests dress in black and that is supposed to imply piety. I suppose that certain people want to be powerful and bestial not having to deal with the anxiety of perfect behavior. Those are just my conclusions based on what I know about Satanism though.
I’m not sure, but I would assume that the masks speak to the beastial, rather than divine nature of humanity.
I suppose they might speak to the beastial, if they didn’t look so hokey. I just found it amusing that Dr. Satanical often directs people to this website with some aplumb and authority as if it will explain all, and doesn’t realize that the first thing -normal, non-Satanic- people see is a bunch of idiots dressed up in bad Halloween costumes. It would be like me getting into philosophical debates with people and when I get frustrated direct them to a website where the first picture is of me sitting in my underwear in a tree, with laurel wreath around my head. Its just a shockingly stupid first impression, and a bit humorous each time I go to it. I honestly pop it up sometimes just to laugh for a moment.
Dunamis, the cerimonial dress is for just that…cerimony.
Most Satanist’s do not engage or participate in such things, but every religion does it, and for a good reason. I am finding your condencending tone to be most annoying.
What you see on the surface is rarely the entirety, now is it?
I am finding your condencending tone to be most annoying.
Hmmm…I suppose that means you’re going to “pluck my eyes out and eat them” biatch, right?
What you see on the surface is rarely the entirety, now is it?
But sometimes its a good clue as to the mentality of those that think these things up. Not bright, nor meant for the bright…but of course “outstanding” individuals nonetheless.