future man, you mix truths and errors.
It is true that global warming is occuring at this point, even if you dont offer much proof. not much proof is needed, from my point of view, because i have known the matter independently. indeed ice drilling has shown changes in patterns of seasonal temperatures at both poles, and a rise in average temperatures. indeed various measurements, of the radiant properties of the ionosphere, of the surface of ice at the poles, of many other things show that overall the air temperature is on an average on a rise.
there exists even a model to explain this phenomena on an energy-balance approach, namely the green house effect. at least in its main points, this is correct.
however, we do not know at the present time precisely how normal this is for earth. remember we are essentially just visitors here. we didnt build the thing. we have only been to any meaningfull purpose studying it for a few thousand years, and that is really exagerating alot. to force an analogy, is like trying to predict if somebody likes orange juice by watching them for a bit under 200 miliseconds. a difficult task at best. and yes, to decide wether they like orange juice not wether they are criminals, because wether the temperature of the atmosphere on earts is an average 15 degrees or 30 degrees is entirely a minute point from the earth perspective. it would just as happily go about its business as the moon does, and the moon doesnt even have an air temperature. because it doesnt have an atmosphere, at all. its not like the earth will even notice if suddenly it cooks all of us into nice pot steak. and yes, under a second, considering the relative duration of the planet earth, a millenia or two are about what a fifth of a second is to a human being.
that aside, what you say about the atlantic conveyor is corect, in as much that it does move heat (not tons of it tho, heat is not measured in tons, it is measured in joules) from the warm south to the cold north. that is a classic convection current. what you do not understand (and the conveyor belt metahpore, in fact a very bad metaphore, hides from you) is what came first. see a conveyor belt uses the energy of an external engine to move about bulks from here to there. if the engine stops, the belt stops and the bulks sit. which is what you seem to be thinking could happen.
however, the convection current in the atlantic is not a conveyor belt. it is the very engine. it moves BECAUSE there is a difference of temperature (as any thermic engine works). anytime there is a difference of temperature, it moves. the greater the difference of temperature, the faster it moves. so it can not stop, unless the two ends arrive at the same temperature. but if one side gets hotter and another stays at current temperature the thing will move faster. so what you talk about, the stopping of the convection in spite of temeperatures reaching extreme differences is plain impossible, and contradicts thermodynamics.
what could happen (and what the buoys are really there to determine) is that the current could change its path. since the ocean is big, and its shores even bigger, for whatever arcane reasons of thermodynamics, the current might chose another starting and destination point. which is not at all a problem from the climatic perspective, because if it changes, it can only change to convey EVEN MORE heat. it cant change to convey less, or at least not significantly less. however, from a human perspective this could be catastrophic, because you can’t just move london a few thousand miles arround just because the climate decided to.
this is what is ment by climate change due to global warming, not the fact that the planet will freeze or cook in any total sense, just that whats temperate and whats hot and whats freezing might get shifted around. if for instance the climates of us and canada were to simply switch (which from a global-conservation position is relatively possible) this would present a serious problem for the 1/4 billion people that are in a possition now, that if they want to continue their lives as they did a year ago, they have to move, with the buildings and roads and telegraph poles, a couple thousand miles north. or maybe south.