The end of the show

His name begins with an I…

Sometimes I am intolerable even to my self, in not having been able to speak as I walked up to him and past… but I would have a few minutes later, upon my swift return, but the place where he had recently stood was now vacated and the entire Mews deserted, like no-one had been there just a few minutes ago… a lot can happen in a few minutes, it seems.

…another show that came to an end… the severity of all things pass, with time.

[quote=“…a chic geek -all thoughts are my own-, post:21, topic:47764, full:true, username:MagsJ”]
His name begins with an I…

Sometimes I am intolerable even to my self, in not having been able to speak as I walked up to him and past… but I would have a few minutes later, upon my swift return, but the place where he had recently stood was now vacated and the entire Mews deserted, like no-one had been there just a few minutes ago… a lot can happen in a few minutes, it seems. [/quote]

a lot can happen in a few minutes, it seems

Anything and everything under the Sun can actually happen in a few minutes, both good and bad.

I think that we more often have more regrets by NOT doing what we had
wanted to do than by having done what we had wanted to do.

If we make a mistake we can go back and correct it but if we lose the moment in time which God or the Universe puts before us - that loss will be our bigger regret.

So do not hesitate - but always be sure that what you are going for is what you really want. lol Swords can be beautiful but they still have that double edge.

Just my musing.

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…and just mine;

Yes, that double can seem :smiling_imp: troublesome and devastating, that is(still thinking sulphur tea)but since we have come this far, the obligation to continue is above suspicion and morally binding.

Double trouble as in Macbeth, referring the potions mixed by three wishes; here the typo was intentional but to that later, perhaps never

The cut can be severe, and already wrote to some other person about it , so it’s no secret any more, but still two may be company before a crowd gathers.

So here; I’m out.

All cards showing, this person, I was in Vegas over the weekend, and then this character looked back if I was gonna play on, and up the ante to dizzying heights, not money wise, but through the game of emotional bondage that vampires play for the soul

Some force, a nemesis of mine, grabbed me and for a moment feeling powerless, was drawn regardless the cost.

But then fate&faith intervened, and the possible loss of everything hit me with even a greater force and that sobered me up to avoid the look back, the blow back to the warning Din’t Look Back.

But I headed that only half way, resuming the game and even topped the last,

So what came of it, what does come to mind is but a few drops of regret from a very low height, and I felt bad for the Other, dream come true.

What saved me was this:


The Lotus Sutra recitation, has no conflict another system of belief, even the miraculous dream of my personal existence, and there is an esoteric book on it, that I dared to read before even begin to chant,

And then you know: everything is forgotten and forgiven, if the definition of what love is and can be, has always been there, a kind of giant engram like god=dog which never ever leaves, it’s the ultimate reality, even though it’s like the tiniest needle ever construed in all the possible worlds in the cosmos.

It is so human, all too human, and is even commendable if , and only if, its mechanics serve not a one, but those all around here, and those yet to come.

Such things aren’t easy to navigate, after having been very-under-the-weather for almost 10 years, off and on… more off than on.

…easy for almost everyone else to say and do though, but I’m quickly getting there… ; )

It feels good, to finally start feeling good.

So glad to hear that, may I send you a couple of assertions, to start the day with, they have energized my mornings way over what coffee can do?

Yes, why not… they sound like they might be helpful, thanks.

…yea, caffeine is over-rated… I find my hibiscus/lotus floral blend to be far more permanently-energising than a caffeinated beverage ever can be, though the odd [organic] cup of tea or coffee once in a while won’t hurt.

…and thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Just got up and saw your assent for the affirmations: will send them asap today, it’s off a chain letter, and maybe doesen’t sound like prophetic, but it’s the intent to participate the ‘megic’ of it’s usefulness

have a good one in merry old’e

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I look forward to receiving them… ; )
