Answer for Greenfuse: I shall restate my position to
make it clear for you…
Human beings are on a road… from being animal to becoming human…
now that road goes from animal… now look at animals, we were once
animals in the physical sense… we reacted to experiences as
animals do… we were, for all purposes, animals… no different
than dogs or cats or monkeys or cows… then at some point
in the past, we outgrew some animal traits… not in the physical
sense for we are still animals in that fashion… we eat, we sleep,
we fuck, we still engage in animal actions and behaviors…
but in a mental, psychological fashion, we began a journey
to becoming human… we cannot outgrow the physical
aspects of being animals, we must still engage in animal
actions and behaviors… we have no choice, but we have
choices and options not available to animals…
animals cannot make choices the way human beings do…
for an animal cannot outgrow it instincts, which is basically
programming… animals are programmed by evolution to
be and do whatever as animals… thus dogs cannot outgrow
their programming to be dogs… they think, react, behave,
as their programming tells them to do… they cannot do
otherwise… they are dogs and they have no choice in the
Now human beings clearly have programming left over
from evolution… we are programmed, which is instincts…
the fight or flight instinct, which is programmed into
all human beings is one such instinct we have from
being animals…the path to overcoming instincts is
the path to becoming human… as human beings,
the overcoming of instincts, programming
is what it means to become human…
for me, the primary task of being human revolves around
choice… if we have no choice, then we are not being human…
for choice negates instincts/programming… if I make a choice
over my instincts, my programming, I am on the path to being
fully human… which is basically overcoming instincts/programming…
my base instincts are also animal instincts, to hate, to anger,
to attack when threatened, and I include into this other instincts,
which is the instinct of humans to tribalize… which is to say,
to behave within tribal behavior is instincts… we have a million
years of tribal behavior behind us… and to overcome that is
what it means, in part, to become human…
the natural instinct of human beings is to engage in tribal
behavior…and part of being human is to make a choice,
to overcome that tribal behavior… we see tribal behavior
all the time, this upcoming election is simply one tribe, liberals
vs another tribe, conservatives… and we can break down tribes
into many varied, diverse collection… we can engage in tribe by
nation, by race, by the color of our skin, by creed, by sexual
orientation, or political considerations… we have all kinds
of tribes in the world today…the religious is just another tribe…
and part of being in a tribe is to hold that tribes values
and beliefs…
Part of what is holding us back as human beings is our engagement
with tribes and holding onto tribal values/beliefs… recall that I make
choice the primary distinction of being human… and we can, against
instinct, reject tribes and those tribal values and behaviors and
beliefs… this is the meaning of autonomy… being autonomous
from tribal values and beliefs… and herein lies part of my point…
that within tribes, to maintain or to hold one place within a tribe,
one must hold to certain values or beliefs to stay within that tribe…
to stay within certain tribes, one must hold to tribal values,
the belief, value of god is just a way to stay within the good
graces of certain tribes…to say, I am an atheist, is to reject
certain tribal values… and the result with be either voluntarily
or to be exiled from that tribe…the point of a tribe is to hold
onto the same values or beliefs as all members of the tribe does…
we often hold on to certain values/beliefs to stay within the tribe,
and those values/beliefs are not valid values/beliefs… for example,
I suggest that people proclaim their belief in god to maintain
good relations with other tribe members… it is the expedient
thing to do… but there is no evidence of any kind, that there
is a god… it is a superstition that we hold onto to hold
our place in the tribe…and I hold to the fact that we often
hold to superstitions that were indoctrinated into us as
children…god, the greatness of nation, the immortal soul,
prejudice, bigotry, hatred… are all indoctrinations
of our childhood…superstitions to be overcome…
if I believe in ‘‘American exceptionalism’’ because
I was indoctrinated into that value, and it has no basis
in fact, that is a superstition, a false value…
something to be overcome… or as Nietzsche put it,
‘‘It is not enough to have the courage of one’s values,
one must have the courage for an attack upon one’s values’’
to overcome one’s indoctrinations is a cardinal value for me…
to overcome one’s superstitions is part of the path to becoming
human… to hold onto superstitions regardless of the truth or
falseness of that superstition, is animal… if one cannot change,
that is animal behavior… the key to becoming human is the
choices that we make…to overcoming our indoctrinations of
childhood…to holding onto values that we ourselves believe in…
that is another way of thinking about autonomy…
so, to say that Goethe for example, is part animal, is to say,
he had his childhood indoctrinations, his beliefs that
were indoctrinated into him… and that he is further along
the road of becoming human by being able to remove, overcome
said childhood indoctrinations… that is what I mean by
becoming human… to becoming autonomous by overcoming
our childhood indoctrinations… and holding onto beliefs/values
that we actually believe in, not the childhood indoctrinations…
that is why I put that list together… to show us human beings
that overcome their childhood indoctrinations by making
different choices… Gandhi did overcome some of his
childhood indoctrinations, but not all of them… thus
he went partly down the path of going from animal, instincts,
to becoming human, making choices… but he didn’t go
all the way down the path of being human, for he still
held onto superstitions like a belief in god…
as did MLK…the path to overcoming is not a straight
line… like some of us have little hearing and some have
great hearing, and some have relatively bad eyesight,
and some have great eyesight… we stand on different
places within our overcoming our instincts…
I suggest that I am further along the path of becoming
human by being an atheist, overcoming that instinct/
indoctrination… overcoming that superstition… but in
other ways, I am not as far along as other people…
by my holding onto certain other superstitions…
I am closer to being animal than human by my holding
onto those superstitions…those indoctrinations…
the path to becoming human is the path to removing,
overcoming our superstitions/indoctrinations…
One example of a superstition being held, is the superstition
that capitalism is the greatest economic system ever…
that is a childhood indoctrination… one that needs to
be overcome…to blindly hold a value because it is
comfortable for us needs to be overcome…
and as long as we hold onto this superstition/indoctrination,
we are stuck on the path to becoming human…
which is the overcoming of our superstitions and
indoctrinations… so the path to becoming human
is about our values and beliefs and the overcoming
of our instincts… the choices we make…
and has anyone actually reached becoming fully human?
no, and as long we hold onto our superstitions and
indoctrinations, we will never reach becoming fully human…