The Enlightenment Test: Are You A Sheep Or Wolf?

This is a collection of philosophical ideals integrated into a whole. The site is biased though, often claiming absolutes when personal subjectivity would be more accurate, but I find the test interesting non-the-less.

Take the test: My score:

“MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 03 (0-4): borderline Enlightened. Purgatory; the countercultural realm. The more interesting Atheists, Libertarians, Transhumanists, and Modern Satanists dwell here, together with other freethinking and politically incorrect types. Congratulations, you’re just a couple candles short of Enlightenment! Keep honing those clearly present rational, taboo-smashing instincts, and one day you too might become an Enlightened Transtopian Master.”

Very interesting. I got the same result you did.

I got the same result. But I don’t give a shit about eugenics, i won’t be around long enough to reap any benefits.

How freaking fundimentally arrogant can the person who made that test be? I too got the same mark, but for someone to jot down their beliefs and then declare that anyone who agrees with everything they said is enlightened… that’s just out there.

Oh, and this was my favorite ‘question’ that an ‘enlightened’ (or maybe sociopathic) person is supposed to agree with:

…good lord…

…I wonder what the Dali Lama would say…

I got the same result, and a good deal of certianty that the dude who wrote this website is a little off his nut.

i got the same results. i think its less of an enlightenment test and more of a “how much do u agree with us” test

The Dalai Lama says, the meaning of life is happiness. If that were true then it would not be defined by sorrow. But the FACT that it is, means, that life is both, happiness and sorrow. And Buddha says to try and achieve salvation, i.e. a life of no sorrow or pain. Does he not understand that pain and sorrow are also LIFE. That life is joy and sorrow together and as such it’s us who need to compromise and adjust. Does he also not understand that there can be no such thing as happiness alone, then I wonder why they even talk about salvation and stuff like that. Whatever… All I wanted to say was, what does enlightenment have to do with being a sheep or a wolf? Maybe I don’t understan the topic at all.

Call me crazy but i agree with just about everything said there (except the stuff on iraq, which seemed a little out of place). I just agree that there is about zero chance of reaping the benefits of anything that would result from such a world-wide paradigm shift. But i think it is THE way to go if mankind wishes to evolve further then it currently is. I got level 4.

“XXIX. Both lefty PC, postmodernist, tax-happy, minority-worshipping, tree-hugging, 1st and 2nd Amendment-hating, envious Liberalism and right-wing, gung-ho-patriotic, bible-thumpin’, environment-destroying, blindly xeno and homophobic, sexist Conservatism are ridiculous extremes, and basically just two sides of the same old rotten coin called “primitivism”. These undead, walking fossils are an affront to 21st century civilization, and the sooner we bury them, the better. May the Singularity cast them into Hades, where they belong!”

personally i quite like this opinion, except for the last sentence of it which seems a bit crap

i got a level 01… and i’m glad because the metaphor of “sheep” is played-out idea anyway, we’re all just monkeys with mispelled names…