who doesnt love a good show?


i had a dream last night that i woke up in the permian basin and my dick was like a huge diamond tipped drill bit like a mile long and i was just humping the ground and smashing the rocks and fracking the earth with my dick and there was so much natural gas and i flicked a cigarette and it blew up a whole national forest and burned down all the trees

nano-particles are showing up in animal brains and this can and is having toxic effects and there is no regulation.

Of course some nanotech products may be worth the risk, but self-cleaning shirts, for example are not worth brain toxicity.

And watch how government oversight of these industries, should it ever get going, will, like the genetic modification products industry, be staffed with a revolving door with industry.

That’s another thing. Trees need to burn now and then.

When they started instituting their 0 tolerance for fires policy, they essentially turned forests into tinder boxes.

Can we start it simple, like a simply stated scientific hypothesis about… What is it, nano particles? So we can really dig our teeth in.

we should become forest rakers in california

Yo did you see that movie with the No Country For Old Men dude?

its been on a tv in front of me before but tbh im not a big tv watcher like i dont have it in me to look at a screen for very long never have really

It’s the acid.

youre probably right

The hypothesis would be that since really tiny particles that cause damage to brain function are finding their way into animal brains and causing damage there, they are doing the same thing in human brains. That this is happening in animal brains is no longer a hypothesis. There is a blood brain barrier and this keeps a lot of things out of the brain, but these particles, which do not naturally occur (and hence our blood brain barrier is not evolved to stop them), are so small they can cross it. Nanotech products with nanoparticles have no special regulation - not that regulation by things like the FDA are remotely a guarantee (and their subgroup on vaccine regulation has enormous conflicts of interest, for example, as do other parts of the FDA). The problem with some facets of modern tech, like gm products, is that problems are not local. They are not like spills from pig farms or even Fukishima, the latter having some global effects, but compared to potential mistakes with GM and nano local by comparison. Nano and the environment is not talked about much and nearly nothing shows up in MSM. Which is just how industry would like it. When the problems become clear to everyone, 20 years down the line, everyone will have long been paid for our risks. We have found some nanoparticles in human brains, but we don’t know if toxic levels have been reached as they have in some animals. We don’t know. Of course, the risks we are taking include for socks and shirts which use nanotech. Sort of like people smoking for me.