The Harmonic Triads

Updating the stuff referred to in this document to align with the below image: … QAXlY/edit

oh… and this. Work in progress. I thought I already shared it. Can’t find it.

Need a logic, maybe math, tutor.


What’s physics ethics without logic part?

A triad has all the parts. It’s like I said in the other thread. If you have one, you have all. If one is missing, they all fall.

Like a house of cards.

No but like in a venn diagram there is the part that touches nothing then the part that touches one then the part that touches both others.

What is the part where physics and ethics overlapp outside logice?

I guess you could call that animal empathy.

Agh haha it was even worse than I thought.

That is not a counter argument!

Okok keep your panties on I’ll leave you to it.

That’s what I thought you said.


Never mind it went over your head.

Lol hahahaha what did?

Dude ichtas you’re crazy in the head.

You the one messin w crazy.